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Reclamation FY 2010 Budget - The Bureau of Reclamation FY 2010 Budget is now available online, as well as all Reclamation budgets since 2004. The budget may be viewed, downloaded or requested on a CD-ROM. More...

Grand Coulee Pump-Generating Plant Dedication Ceremony - The Bureau of Reclamation will host a dedication ceremony on Tuesday, May 12 at 1:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) to rename the Grand Coulee Dam Pump-Generating Plant in honor of former Commissioner John W. Keys III who was tragically killed in a plane crash May 30, 2008. The ceremony will be held at the park adjacent to State Highway 155 behind the pump-generating plant where invited guests and dignitaries from around the Region and across the U.S. will gather. More...

Photo of Animas-La Plata Project starting up the Durango Pumping Plant
Animas-La Plata Project Achieves Historic Milestone - With the flip of a switch on Monday, April 20, 2009, the Department of the Interior marked a historic milestone in construction of the Animas-La Plata Project with starting up the Durango Pumping Plant and the first storage of water for the customers of the project. The new state-of-the-art facility lifts water from the Animas River up through the Ridges Basin Inlet Conduit into Lake Nighthorse. More

Photo Contest Logo"Share the Experience” Photo Contest - The National Park Foundation (NPF) and Olympus today announced the launch of the 2009 Share the Experience Photo Contest, a special photo contest that encourages nature lovers, amateur photographers, and kids of all ages to take pictures of a national park and ‘share the experience’ by entering to win one of six great prizes – with 15 chances to win in total. The 2009 Share the Experience Photo Contest will run from May 4, 2009 through December 31, 2009 and showcases the more than 500 million acres of Federal Lands, drawing entries from all across the United States. Press Release, Contest Website

Secretary Salazar announced $1Billion in water related investments today, including $260 million to help California address long-term water supply challenges and devastating drought conditions.
Secretary Salazar Announces $1 Billion in Water-Related Economic Recovery Investments - At a press conference with Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and California congressional leaders, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar announced the Department of the Interior will invest $1 billion under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) in America’s water infrastructure to create jobs and get the economy moving again. Press Release, More information on Bureau of Reclamation Recovery Investments


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American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009

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Last Updated: 5/11/09
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