[May 13, 2002 (Volume 67, Number 92)]
[Unified Agenda]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [frwais.access.gpo.gov]
[DOCID: f:ua020435.wais]

[Page 33948-33955]



Office of Government Ethics


Semiannual Regulatory Agenda

[[Page 33948]]




Semiannual Regulatory Agenda; Spring 2002

AGENCY: Office of Government Ethics.

ACTION: Semiannual regulatory agenda.


SUMMARY: The following Office of Government Ethics (OGE) substantive 
and procedural regulations are scheduled for development or review 
during the period from April 1, 2002 through March 31, 2003. This 
agenda fulfills OGE's responsibility to publish a semiannual regulatory 
agenda under Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and 
has been prepared in accordance with guidance received from the Office 
of Management and Budget. None of the OGE regulations in this agenda 
will have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of 
small entities as defined under the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 
U.S.C. chapter 6. In addition, none of the listed OGE regulatory 
actions is procurement-related. Furthermore, the Office of Government 
Ethics' rulemakings are not included in the regulatory plan that is 
published each fall.

     This publication in the Federal Register does not impose a 
binding obligation on the Office of Government Ethics with respect 
to any particular item on its agenda. The dates shown for the 
future steps of each action are estimates and not commitments to 
act by the date shown. Moreover, other OGE regulatory actions, in 
addition to the entries listed, are not precluded.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate 
General Counsel, Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York 
Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917; Telephone: (202) 208-8000, ext. 
1110; TDD: (202) 208-8025; Fax: (202) 208-8037.

Approved: March 12, 2002.

 Amy L. Comstock,

Director, Office of Government Ethics.

                                 Office of Government Ethics Proposed Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
3328       Office of Government Ethics Gift Acceptance Authority and Organizational Update......     3209-AA21
3329       Privacy Act Rules of the Office of Government Ethics.................................     3209-AA18
3330       Executive Branch Financial Disclosure, Qualified Trusts, and Certificates of              3209-AA00
3331       Executive Agency Ethics Training Programs............................................     3209-AA07

                                  Office of Government Ethics Final Rule Stage
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
3332       Testimony by OGE Employees and Production of Official Records in Legal Proceedings...     3209-AA23
3333       Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch...................     3209-AA04
3334       Limitations on Outside Earned Income, Employment and Affiliations for Certain             3209-AA13
            Noncareer Employees.................................................................
3335       Interpretation, Exemptions, and Waiver Guidance Concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (Acts            3209-AA09
            Affecting a Personal Financial Interest)............................................
3336       Post-Employment Conflict of Interest Restrictions....................................     3209-AA14

                                  Office of Government Ethics Long-Term Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
3337       Executive Agency Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct Regulations Issued Jointly     3209-AA15
            With the Concurrence of the Office of Government Ethics.............................

                                  Office of Government Ethics Completed Actions
 Sequence                                          Title                                          Identification
  Number                                                                                              Number
3338       Interpretation of 18 U.S.C. 209, the Constraint Against Private Supplementation of        3209-AA12
            Salaries of Executive Branch Officials and Employees................................

[[Page 33949]]


Office of Government Ethics (OGE)                   Proposed Rule Stage



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2600

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulation will implement the agency gift acceptance 
authority of the Office of Government Ethics as set forth in the 1996 
OGE Authorization Act. In addition, various provisions of OGE's part 
2600 organization and functions regulation will be updated to reflect 
changes in OGE's organizational structure. This regulation will be 
written in ``plain language.''


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            06/00/02
NPRM Comment Period End         08/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: James P. O'Sullivan, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA21


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 552a; 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2606 (New)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed rule would establish for the Office of 
Government Ethics (OGE) regulatory procedures to implement the Privacy 
Act of 1974, including requests for access and amendment and appeals, 
and would reference certain OGE systems of records (which will also be 
updated and revised).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            10/00/02
NPRM Comment Period End         12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Elaine Newton, Attorney Advisor, Office of Government 
Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA18


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app (Ethics in Government Act of 1978); EO 
12674; EO 12731; 26 USC 1043; 28 USC 2461 note; PL 101-410; PL 104-134, 
sec 31001

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2634

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Regulation revising the executive branch public and 
confidential financial disclosure report systems for high-level 
officials and certain mid-level employees, respectively, in light of 
the changes to the Ethics in Government Act effected by the Ethics 
Reform Act of 1989 (Pub. L. 101-194), as amended. These disclosure 
provisions apply to public reports filed since January 1, 1991. Subpart 
I of the regulation, effective October 5, 1992, superseded prior 
executive branchwide and agency-specific regulations and established a 
revised system of confidential reporting, modeled generally on the 
public reporting system, for executive branch agency mid-level 
employees with sensitive duties and special Government employees. This 
regulation also has a subpart dealing with certificates of divestiture.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            12/02/86                    51 FR 43359
Interim Final Rule              04/07/92                    57 FR 11800
Correction                      05/22/92                    57 FR 21854
Correction                      12/31/92                    57 FR 62605
Revised Interim Final Rule      07/21/93                    58 FR 38911
Proposed Amendment to Interim 
Final Rule                      09/01/93                    58 FR 46096
Technical Amendments to Interim 
Final Rule                      11/30/93                    58 FR 63023
Technical (Paperwork) Amendments 
to Interim Final Rule           07/07/94                    59 FR 34755
Proposed Amendments-Certificates 
of No New Interests for 
Confidential Filers             01/15/97                     62 FR 2048
Final Amendment-Certificates of 
No New Interests for 
Confidential Filers             06/24/97                    62 FR 33972
Updating Amendment to Part 2634 09/17/97                    62 FR 48746
Clarifying Amendment to Section 
2634.906                        03/31/98                    63 FR 15273
Minor Amdt. to Part 2634 
(Transfer of Inactive in Lieu of 
Honoraria Charitable Paymts. 
Reporting)                      08/12/98                    63 FR 43067
Paperwork Revisions to 
Appendixes A, B, and C          11/02/98                    63 FR 58619
Technical Amendments to Part 
2634                            12/18/98                    63 FR 69991
Technical Corrections to Part 
2634                            01/14/99                     64 FR 2421
Proposed Gifts Reporting Waiver 
Amendments                      05/13/99                    64 FR 25849
Inflation Adjustments to Civil 
Monetary Penalties as Reflected 
in Part 2634                    08/30/99                    64 FR 47095
Final Gifts Reporting Waiver 
Amendments                      09/14/99                    64 FR 49639
Technical Amendments to 
Categories of Value Reporting 
and Gifts/ Reimbursements 
Thresholds                      11/20/00                    65 FR 69655
Final Rule Amendment to Confer 
Additional Agency Confidential 
Report Filing Extension 
Authority                       11/05/01                    66 FR 55871
Proposed Rule Amendment Re: 
Excepted Investment Funds       06/00/02

[[Page 33950]]

Final Rule Amendment on 
Increased Reporting Threshold 
for Gifts & Reimbursements      06/00/02
Proposed Certificates of 
Divestiture Revisions (Subpart 
J)                              07/00/02
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02
Final Rule Removal of Obsolete 
In Lieu/Honoraria Provisions    11/00/02
Final Action                    12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA00


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; 
EO 12731

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2638.701 to 2638.704

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Regulation specifying the responsibilities of executive 
branch agencies and their designated agency ethics officials to develop 
and implement orientation and annual ethics training courses and to 
distribute appropriate guidance materials to their employees under 
section 301(b) and (c) of Executive Order 12674, as modified by 
Executive Order 12731. The Office of Government Ethics is rewriting the 
entire training regulation in ``plain in language.''


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/18/90                    55 FR 38335
NPRM Comment Period End         11/17/90
Final Rule on Executive Agency 
Ethics Training Programs        04/07/92                    57 FR 11886
Correction                      04/27/92                    57 FR 15219
Amendment                       12/10/92                    57 FR 58399
Correction                      12/28/92                    57 FR 61612
Interim Amendments to Liberalize 
Certain Training Requirements   03/16/94                    59 FR 12145
Interim Final Rule Comment 
Period End                      05/16/94
Interim Amendments to Refine 
Certain Training Requirements   03/12/97                    62 FR 11307
Correction to Interim Training 
Reg. Amendments                 03/19/97                    62 FR 13213
Correction to Interim Training 
Reg. Amendments                 03/27/97                    62 FR 14737
Interim Amendments to Refine 
Certain Training Requirements 
Comment Period End              04/11/97                    62 FR 11307
Most Interim Amendments to 
Refine Certain Training 
Requirements Effective          06/10/97                    62 FR 13213
Interim Amendment to Rewrite 
Regulation in ``Plain 
Language'' and 
Restructure Its Provisions      02/14/00                     65 FR 7275
New Proposed Amendment to 
Rewrite Regulation in 
Restructure Its Provisions      08/00/02
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA07

Office of Government Ethics (OGE)                      Final Rule Stage



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2608 (New)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This proposed rule would set forth proposed OGE procedures 
for responding to subpoenas and other requests and demands for 
testimony by OGE employees and documentary production relating to 
official OGE information and records (Touhy regulations).


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            09/24/01                    66 FR 48824
NPRM Comment Period End         11/23/01
Final Rule                      05/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA23

[[Page 33951]]



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 7301; 5 USC 7351; 5 USC 7353; 5 USC app, Ethics 
in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; EO 12731

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2635

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Regulation implementing certain provisions of Executive Order 
12674 on Principles of Ethical Conduct, as modified by Executive Order 
12731, and the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (Pub. L. 101-194), as amended. 
Effective February 3, 1993, this ethical conduct standards regulation 
generally superseded executive branch employee conduct and gifts rules, 
as well as pertinent portions of agency-specific conduct regulations 
issued under prior Executive Order 11222. For certain existing agency 
regulatory standards setting forth financial interest prohibitions and 
prior approval for outside employment/activities, an extended grace 
period was in effect until November 1, 1996, or until individual 
concerned agencies issued supplemental regulations, with Office of 
Government Ethics concurrence.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


NPRM                            07/23/91                    56 FR 33778
NPRM Comment Period End         09/20/91
Final Overall Regulation on 
Standards of Ethical Conduct    08/07/92                    57 FR 35006
Correction                      10/27/92                    57 FR 48557
Correction                      11/04/92                    57 FR 52583
5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 2635.803 
Grace Period Extension          02/02/94                     59 FR 4779
Additional 5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 
2635.803 Grace Period Extension 02/02/95                     60 FR 6390
NPRM on Widely Attended 
Gatherings                      06/15/95                    60 FR 31415
Minor Correction to One Citation10/03/95                    60 FR 51667
Further 5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 
2635.803 Grace Period Extension 12/27/95                    60 FR 66857
Further Additional 5 CFR 
2635.403(a) and 2635.803 Grace 
Period Extension                08/07/96                    61 FR 40950
Final Rule on Widely Attended 
Gatherings                      08/20/96                    61 FR 42965
Correction to Final Rule on 
Widely Attended Gatherings      09/16/96                    61 FR 48733
Interim Rule on Gifts From 
Political Organizations         09/27/96                    61 FR 50689
Final Rule on Gifts From 
Political Organizations         03/17/97                    62 FR 12531
Updating Amendments to Part 263509/17/97                    62 FR 48746
Proposed Amendments Re: Gifts 
(Subpart B)                     08/04/98                    63 FR 41476
Further Minor Proposed 
Amendments to Part 2635 / 
Seeking Employment and Outside 
Activities                      08/26/98                    63 FR 45415
Amendments to Subpart B Gifts 
From Outside Sources            12/18/98                    63 FR 69992
Technical Corrections to Part 
2635                            01/14/99                     64 FR 2421
Final Amendments to Part 2635 / 
Seeking Employment and Outside 
Activities                      03/17/99                    64 FR 13063
Interim Rule on Travel Expenses 
for Certain Unofficial Teaching, 
Speaking and Writing            09/05/00                    65 FR 53650
Correction                      09/12/00                    65 FR 55076
Final Technical Amendment to 
Nonsponsor Widely Attended 
Gathering Gift Dollar Ceiling   11/20/00                    65 FR 69655
Final Rule on Travel Expenses 
for Certain Unofficial Teaching, 
Speaking and Writing            11/30/01                    66 FR 59673
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02
Final Rule Removal of Obsolete 
In Lieu/Honoraria Provisions    11/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA04


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; 
EO 12731; 28 USC 2461 note; PL 101-410; PL 104-134, sec 31001

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2636

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The regulation had, in pertinent part, implemented, effective 
January 1, 1991, the prohibition on honoraria (now declared 
unconstitutional by the courts as to most rank and file executive 
branch employees and hence determined to be eviscerated as to all other 
Federal employees by the Office of Legal Counsel of the Justice 
Department). In addition, the regulation continues to implement the 
limitation on outside employment as provided in the 1989 Ethics Reform 
Act revisions to the Ethics in Government Act, as amended. The 
regulation has now been amended in light of the above-noted litigation 
and other pertinent developments.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule              01/17/91                     56 FR 1721
Deferral of Effective Date of 5 
CFR 2636.205                    05/10/91                    56 FR 21589
Additional Deferral of Effective 
Date of 5 CFR 2636.205          10/11/91                    56 FR 51319
Revision of Honorarium 
Definition in 5 CFR 2636.203(a) 01/08/92                      57 FR 601
Further Deferral of Effective 
Date of 5 CFR 2636.205          02/14/92                     57 FR 5369
Technical Correction to Interim 
Final Rule                      12/30/93                    58 FR 69176
Technical (Paperwork) Amendments 
to Interim Final Rule           07/07/94                    59 FR 34755
Removal of Subpart B of Part 
2636                            08/12/98                    63 FR 43067

[[Page 33952]]

Technical Corrections to Part 
2636                            01/14/99                     64 FR 2421
Inflation Adjustment to Civil 
Monetary Penalty As Reflected in 
Part 2636                       08/30/99                    64 FR 47095
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02
Final Rule Removal of Obsolete 
In Lieu/Honoraria Provisions    11/00/02
Final Action                    06/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Walter M. Shaub, Attorney Advisor, Office of Government 
Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA13


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; 
EO 12731; 18 USC 208

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2640

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: This regulation interprets section 208(a) of title 18, U.S. 
Code, which prohibits officers and employees of the executive branch 
from officially participating personally and substantially in a 
particular matter in which there is a personal financial interest or a 
financial interest of a related person or organization (absent a waiver 
or exemption under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)). It also lists and describes 
interests considered too remote or too inconsequential to affect the 
integrity of the services of executive branch officers or employees, in 
accordance with 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(2). Such interests are exempt from the 
restrictions of 18 U.S.C. 208(a), generally requiring disqualification. 
The regulation also provides guidance to executive branch agencies as 
to the kinds of interests that are not so substantial as to be deemed 
likely to affect the integrity of the services the Government may 
expect from an employee and which, therefore, may be waived from the 
general rule of disqualification under 18 U.S.C. 208(a), pursuant to 18 
U.S.C. 208(b)(1). In addition, guidance is provided concerning the 
issuance of waivers to special Government employee advisory committee 
members, pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(3). A separate interim final 
rule, published in 1995 exempting certain financial interests arising 
from Federal Government executive branch employment as well as from 
Social Security or veterans' benefits from the general prohibition in 
section 208(a), was incorporated in the overall final rule. Additional 
exemptions are considered for development from time to time as 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Govt. Interests and Social 
Security and Veterans' Benefits 
Exemptions Interim Final Rule   08/28/95                    60 FR 44706
Overall NPRM                    09/11/95                    60 FR 47208
Overall NPRM Comment Period End 11/13/95
Overall Final Rule              12/18/96                    61 FR 66830
Correction                      01/09/97                     62 FR 1361
Overall Final Rule Effective    01/17/97
Correction                      04/29/97                    62 FR 23127
Interim Census Exemption 
Amendment                       03/29/00                    65 FR 16511
Final Census Exemption Amendment08/04/00                    65 FR 47830
Proposed Additional Exemption 
Amendments                      09/06/00                    65 FR 53942
Proposed Amendments Comment 
Period End                      12/05/00
Final Additional Exemption 
Amendments                      03/19/02                    67 FR 12443
Proposed Rule Amendment Re: 
Excepted Investment Funds       06/00/02
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Richard M. Thomas, Associate General Counsel, Office of 
Government Ethics, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA09


Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; 
EO 12731; 18 USC 207

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2641; 5 CFR 2637 (Continuation)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: Interpretive regulation giving guidance for the executive 
branch on the various substantive restrictions of the current version 
of the post-Government employment conflict of interest statute 18 
U.S.C. 207, which became effective January 1, 1991, pursuant to title I 
of the Ethics Reform Act of 1989 (Pub. L. 101-194), as amended. Parts 
of the regulation, dealing with procedures for waivers by the Office of 
Government Ethics of certain senior official constraints (based on 
executive agency hardship), designated senior employees, and separate 
agency designations, have already been published in the Federal 
Register; such designations are periodically updated by the Office of 
Government Ethics. The Office of Government Ethics also has continued 
to publish in the CFR the interpretive regulation, 5 CFR part 2637 (but 
now without the no-longer-effective former Senior Employee and old 
agency component designation listings), under the lifetime bar of the 
prior version of the post-employment law which still applies to 
executive branch employees who left the Government before January

[[Page 33953]]

1, 1991. Once a complete current post-employment law final regulation 
is published, the old part 2637 regulation will be removed from the 


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Interim Final Rule for One-Year 
Restriction of Section 207(c)   02/01/91                     56 FR 3951
Designation of Senior Employees 
and Separate Agency Components  01/28/92                     57 FR 3115
Designation of Additional 
Separate Agency Component       04/07/92                    57 FR 11673
Amendment to Prior Post-
Employment Regulation (Part 
2637)                           12/31/92                    57 FR 62467
Amendment to Interim Final Rule 
(Part 2641)                     06/21/93                    58 FR 33755
Technical Amendment to Authority 
Citation of 5 CFR Part 2637     12/30/93                    58 FR 69176
Technical Amendments to Interim 
Final Rule                      07/07/94                    59 FR 34755
Exempted Senior Employee and 
Agency Separate Component 
Designation Update              05/16/97                    62 FR 26915
Correction: Post-Employment Reg. 
Update                          06/11/97                    62 FR 31865
Agency Separate Component 
Designation Update              02/05/99                     64 FR 5709
Agency Separate Component 
Designation Update Final Rule   05/00/02
Final Rule Amendment to Clarify 
OGE Intent on Sole & Exclusive 
Agency Authority Conferred Under 
Reg.                            09/00/02
Overall NPRM                    09/00/02
Overall NPRM Comment Period End 12/00/02

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Richard M. Thomas, Associate General Counsel, Office of 
Government Ethics, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA14

Office of Government Ethics (OGE)                     Long-Term Actions



Priority: Substantive, Nonsignificant

Legal Authority: 5 USC 7301; 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 
1978; EO 12674; EO 12731; 5 CFR 2635.105

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2635; 5 CFR ch XXI et seq

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The supplemental executive agency standards of ethical 
conduct regulations, once issued jointly with the concurrence of the 
Office of Government Ethics (OGE) at agency expense in new chapters at 
the end of 5 CFR, after OGE approval, supplement for each individual 
agency concerned the OGE executive branch standards of ethical conduct, 
as codified at 5 CFR part 2635. The supplemental regulations, as they 
are issued in accordance with sections 201(a) and 301(a) of Executive 
Order 12674, as modified by Executive Order 12731, set forth those 
agency-specific provisions under applicable law and regulation, such as 
regulatory restrictions on holding certain financial interests, 
designation of subunits and prior approval for outside employment, 
which are needed for certain agencies to round out the executive 
branchwide ethical standards for their employees.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


FTC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLVII) 
Interim Final Rule              05/27/93                    58 FR 30695
OPIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
XXXIII) Interim Final Rule      06/17/93                    58 FR 33319
Treasury Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
XXI) NPRM                       08/03/93                    58 FR 41193
ICC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XL) 
Final Rule                      08/06/93                    58 FR 41989
PRC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLVI) 
Final Rule                      08/12/93                    58 FR 42839
DoD Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXVI) 
Interim Final Rule              09/10/93                    58 FR 47619
CFTC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLI) 
Final Rule                      10/12/93                    58 FR 52637
IAF Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXIII) 
Final Rule                      01/27/94                     59 FR 3771
5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 2635.803 
Grace Period Extension (by OGE) 02/02/94                     59 FR 4779
NRC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLVIII) 
Final Rule                      04/13/94                    59 FR 17457
FDIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXII) 
NPRM                            07/12/94                    59 FR 35480
NASA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LIX)  09/28/94                    59 FR 49335
FRTIB Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LXXIV)                          10/06/94                    59 FR 50816
Education Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LIII)                           01/30/95                     60 FR 5816
Additional 5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 
2635.803 Grace Period Extension 
(by OGE)                        02/02/95                     60 FR 6390
OMB Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXXVII) 
Final Rule                      03/07/95                    60 FR 12396
USPS Employees (5 CFR Ch. LX)   03/27/95                    60 FR 15700
Eximbank Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LII)                            04/07/95                    60 FR 17625
FDIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXII) 04/25/95                    60 FR 20171
Treasury Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
XXI) Final Rule                 05/05/95                    60 FR 22249

[[Page 33954]]

FCSIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXX) 06/12/95                    60 FR 30773
FCA Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXXI)  06/12/95                    60 FR 30778
HUD Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXV)   06/30/95                    60 FR 34420
OPIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
XXXIII) Final Rule              07/21/95                    60 FR 37555
USPS Employees (5 CFR Ch. LX) 
Final Rule                      09/11/95                    60 FR 47240
FCA Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXXI) 
Final Rule                      09/13/95                    60 FR 47453
OGE Concurrence in FCA Employees 
(5 CFR Ch. XXXI) Final Rule     12/06/95                    60 FR 62319
BGFRS Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LVIII)                          12/19/95                    60 FR 65249
Further 5 CFR 2635.403(a) and 
2635.803 Grace Period Extension 
(by OGE)                        12/27/95                    60 FR 66857
FCSIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXX) 
Final Rule                      02/06/96                     61 FR 4349
EEOC Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXII) 02/26/96                     61 FR 7065
TVA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXIX)  05/06/96                    61 FR 20117
DOE Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXIII) 07/05/96                    61 FR 35085
FDIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXII) 
Amendment                       07/09/96                    61 FR 35915
HUD Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXV)   07/09/96                    61 FR 36246
OPM Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXXV)  07/16/96                    61 FR 36993
HHS Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLV)   07/30/96                    61 FR 39756
FMSHRC Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LXXIV)                          07/31/96                    61 FR 39869
DOT Employees (5 CFR Ch. L)     07/31/96                    61 FR 39901
EPA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LIV)   08/02/96                    61 FR 40500
NARA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXVI) 08/05/96                    61 FR 40505
Further Additional 5 CFR 
2635.403(a) and 2635.803 Grace 
Period Extension (by OGE)       08/07/96                    61 FR 40950
FERC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXIV) 08/23/96                    61 FR 43411
BGFRS Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LVIII) Final Rule               10/16/96                    61 FR 53827
FCC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXIX)  10/31/96                    61 FR 56109
GSA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LVII)  11/01/96                    61 FR 56399
DOL Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLII)  11/06/96                    61 FR 57281
DOJ Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXVIII)11/25/96                    61 FR 59811
NSF Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLIII) 11/25/96                    61 FR 59815
CPSC Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXXI) 12/13/96                    61 FR 65457
FDIC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXII) 
Amendment                       01/27/97                     62 FR 3771
NLRB Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXI)  02/12/97                     62 FR 6445
DOJ Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXVIII) 
Final Rule                      05/02/97                    62 FR 23941
DOJ Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXVIII) 
Final Rule Correction           06/11/97                    62 FR 31865
OPM Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXXV) 
Interim Rule Correction         06/17/97                    62 FR 32859
EEOC Employees (5 CFR Ch. LXII) 
Final Rule                      07/08/97                    62 FR 36447
OPM Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXXV) 
Final Rule                      08/11/97                    62 FR 42897
DOI Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXV)   10/16/97                    62 FR 53713
DOI Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXV) 
Interim Final Rule Correction   04/15/98                    63 FR 18501
DOI Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXV) 
Interim Final Rule Correction   04/24/98                    63 FR 20447
DOI Employees (5 CFR Ch. XXV) 
Final Rule                      06/24/98                    63 FR 34258
FTC Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLVII) 
Final Rule Amendments           08/12/98                    63 FR 43069
DOL Employees (5 CFR Ch. XLII) 
Final Rule                      12/30/99                    64 FR 73852
USDA Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LXXIII) Interim Final Rule      03/24/00                    65 FR 15825
USDA Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LXXIII) Interim Final Rule 
Correction                      04/20/00                    65 FR 21239
USDA Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
LXXIII) Final Rule              10/02/00                    65 FR 58635
Treasury Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
XXI) Final Rule Amendments      02/01/01                     66 FR 8505
NASA Employees (5 CFR Ch. LIX) 
Final Rule Amendments           11/27/01                    66 FR 59135
DOT (FAA) Employees (5 CFR Ch. 
L) Final Rule Amendments        12/03/01                    66 FR 60139
Final Action                    12/00/03

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: William E. Gressman, Senior Associate General Counsel, 
Office of Government Ethics, Suite 500, 1201 New York Avenue NW., 
Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA15

[[Page 33955]]


Office of Government Ethics (OGE)                     Completed Actions



Priority: Other Significant

Legal Authority: 5 USC app, Ethics in Government Act of 1978; EO 12674; 
EO 12731; 18 USC 209

CFR Citation: 5 CFR 2639 (New)

Legal Deadline: None

Abstract: The Office of Government Ethics has now decided to issue a 
guidance memorandum instead of a proposed regulation on section 209 of 
title 18, U.S. Code, prohibiting the private supplementation of the 
Government salary of executive branch officers and employees.


Action                            Date                      FR Cite


Withdrawn                       12/17/01

Regulatory Flexibility Analysis Required: No

Government Levels Affected: Federal

Agency Contact: Andrew Falcon, Associate General Counsel, Office of 
Government Ethics, 1201 New York Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20005-3917
Phone: 202 208-8000
TDD Phone: 202 208-8025
Fax: 202 208-8037

RIN: 3209-AA12
[FR Doc. 02-7681 Filed 05-10-02; 8:45 am]