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Vice Chairman
 Daniel R. Pearson

Daniel R. Pearson, a Republican of Minnesota, is the Vice Chairman of the U.S. International Trade Commission.

Vice Chairman Pearson was nominated to the U.S. International Trade Commission by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on November 21, 2004, for the term ending June 16, 2011. He began serving as a Commissioner on October 8, 2003, under a recess appointment. He served as Chairman for the term June 17, 2006, through June 16, 2008. President Bush designated him Vice Chairman for the term June 17, 2008, through June 16, 2010.

Prior to his appointment, Vice Chairman Pearson was Assistant Vice President of Public Affairs for Cargill, Inc., in Minneapolis, MN. His work focused primarily on trade policy issues, including the World Trade Organization agricultural negotiations, the efforts of China and other countries to join the WTO, the global “level playing field” initiative for the oilseed sector, the U.S.-Mexico sweetener dispute, and the effects of domestic agricultural policies on U.S. competitiveness. Before his appointment to Assistant Vice President, he served as a policy analyst in the public affairs department from 1987 to 1998.

From 1981 to 1987, Vice Chairman Pearson was the agricultural legislative assistant to Senator Rudy Boschwitz in Washington, DC, where he was responsible for legislative and regulatory issues under the jurisdiction of the Senate Agricultural Committee. He also served as staff of the Subcommittee on Foreign Agricultural Policy, chaired by Senator Boschwitz.

From 1979 to 1980, Vice Chairman Pearson farmed in a diversified 800-acre operation with his father and brother in Ogilvie, Minnesota. His extensive experience encompasses both trade-related matters and hands-on agricultural work.

Vice Chairman Pearson holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a Master of Science degree, both in agricultural economics, from the University of Minnesota. He resides in Oakton, Virginia, with his wife, Cindy, and two children.

June 2008


United States International Trade Commission
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