Publication Number: 3919

Report Title: Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2006 Review

Investigation Number: 332-483

Author's name(s): Cynthia B. Foreso, Project Leader

Date Published: April 2007

Report Description/Introductory Text: This report contains the advice of the U.S. International Trade Commission (Commission) to the President on the probable economic effect of providing competitive need limit waivers for eight items under the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) on domestic industries producing like or directly competitive articles and on U.S. consumers. The countries and Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) subheadings for which advice is provided are: Argentina for HTS subheadings 2836.91.00 (lithium carbonates) and 7202.99.20 (calcium-silicon); Brazil for HTS subheadings 7403.11.00 (copper cathodes) and 7408.11.60 (certain unalloyed copper wire rod); India for HTS subheadings 2001.10.00 (prepared or preserved cucumbers (i.e., pickles)), 5703.10.20 (hand-hooked carpets and floor coverings), and 8528.12.80 (certain television reception apparatus); and Thailand for HTS subheading 4011.20.10 (radial tires).

Topics Covered: GSP, competitive need limit waivers, CNL

Countries: Argentina, Brazil, India, Thailand

HTS Numbers: 2836.91.00, 7202.99.20, 7403.11.00, 7408.11.60, 2001.10.00, 5703.10.20, 8528.12.80, 4011.20.10

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