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Publication number: 3841

Report title: Advice Concerning Possible Modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences, 2005 Special Review on Watches

Investigation number: 332-471

Author's name(s): Cynthia Foreso

Date published:  March 2006

Report description/Introductory text: Advice on the probable economic effects of possible modifications to the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); addition of certain watches to the GSP

Keywords (Metadata): Watches, quartz analog, combination display watches, U.S. Virgin Islands watches, Timex

Countries: GSP beneficiary countries

HTS numbers: 9102.11.10, 9102.11.25, 9102.11.30, 9102.11.45, 9102.19.20, 9102.19.40, 9102.91.40

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