Publication Number: 3727

Report Title:  Remediation and Nature and Landscape Protection Services: An Examination of U.S. and Foreign Markets

Investigation Number: 332-454

Author's name(s): Jennifer Baumert, Lisa Ferens, Michael Ferrantino, Laura Bloodgood, William Chadwick, Amanda Horan, Dennis Luther, Ben Randol, Peg McKnight

Date Published: October 2004

Report Description/Introductory Text: This report provides an overview of U.S. and foreign markets for remediation and nature and landscape protection services; examines trade and investment in remediation and nature and landscape protection services markets, including barriers affecting such trade and investment; and discusses existing regulatory practices. Developed- and developing-country markets are examined, with special emphasis on Australia, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, the European Union, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, the United States. Remediation services include the cleanup of contaminated soil and water, while nature and landscape protection services involve the prevention or mitigation of future soil and water contamination, as well as the protection of ecosystems.

Developed economies tend to have the largest markets for remediation services, with the United States leading the global market for such services. There does not appear to be a well-defined market for nature and landscape protection services among the markets selected for analysis, as a wide variety of laws and regulations pertain to the market, and there are few companies that specialize in the industry. However, the prevalence of biodiversity-related regulations in these markets, as well as widespread membership in multilateral conventions on nature and landscape protection issues demonstrate global awareness of such issues.

The extent of cross-border trade and investment in remediation services and nature and landscape protection services markets is small compared with some other segments of the environmental services industry, but is expected to grow in the long term as markets outside the United States mature. Few of the countries selected for discussion in this report have explicit restrictions on trade in remediation and nature and landscape protection services. However, regulations and practices that apply to all sectors, or to related sectors such as engineering and environmental consulting, can potentially affect trade in the subject industries.

Topics Covered: Hazardous waste site remediation, green technology, environmental protection, soil remediation industry, pollution control industry, water quality management, environmental management, international trade, environmental engineering, environmental services industries, soil contamination, water contamination, remediation services, landscape protection services, trade and investment in remediation services

Countries: Australia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Poland, United States

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