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Textiles and Apparel: Assessment of the Competitiveness of Certain Foreign Suppliers to the U.S. Market
(Investigation No. 332-448, sent to USTR in June 2003)

Publication 3671
January 2004

This is a public version of the report submitted to the United
States Trade Representative on June 30, 2003. All confidential business
information has been removed and replaced with asterisks (***)

Abbreviated table of contents


List of selected acronyms


Executive summary

Chapter 1: Introduction   

Chapter 2: Review of the literature   

Chapter 3: Comparative assessment of the competitiveness of the textile and apparel sector in selected countries   

Chapter 4: Position of interested parties  

     A. Request letter from the United States Trade Representative
     B. Federal Register notice
     C. Calendar of public hearing
     D. Interviews by Commission staff

Volume II (Appendixes E-L): Profiles of Textile and Apparel Industries in Selected Countries