Motorcycle Safety Awareness

The intent of this promotional planner is to provide you with marketing materials, earned media tools and marketing ideas that you can distribute to fit your local needs and objectives while at the same time partnering with other states, communities and organizations all across the country on this promotional program.

This planner includes messaging that you may choose from to support your initiatives surrounding Motorcycle Safety Month. The materials available to you can be used in several capacities and all carry the tagline, "Share the Road with Motorcycles" to remind drivers to be cognizant of motorcycle riders during the busier riding months, and serves to reinforce our message platform.

Please select, tailor, and distribute this planner in a way that best fits your local situation and objectives.

Thought Starters for Promotional Activities

Earned Media Materials
News Release
Talking Points
Fact Sheet
Public Service Announcement

100MB - wmv format
"How to Choose
the Right Helmet
wmv format - 100MB

5MB - wmv format
"Wear It Every
Time You Ride
wmv format - 5MB

Creative Materials


Poster - Tough Biker This poster/print advertisement depicts the stereotypical biker, complete with motorcycle, riding gear and attitude. The headline, which reads "Tough on the Outside. Soft and Squishy on the Inside", reminds readers that as tough as some bikers may be, we are all susceptible to potential accidents and injuries. It also serves to remind motorcyclists of the dangers of the road and reminds them of their own infallibility and the fact that other vehicles may have difficulty in seeing them due to their smaller size. This poster is best suited for use at retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and other venues that would reach the general populace.


Poster - They are not as tough as they look. This poster/print advertisement also depicts the stereotypical biker and carries the headline, "They’re Not As Tough As They Look." The headline is reinforced by using a crumpled piece of paper to emphasize the fragility and vulnerability of riders to automobiles. This poster is best suited for use at retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and other venues that would reach the general populace.

Objects in Mirror

Poster - Objects in the mirror are more valuable than they appear. This poster/print advertisement visually demonstrates the narrow swath that a motorcycle rider has in comparison to normal traffic. The headline, which reads "Objects in Mirror are More Vulnerable than They Appear", is a play on standard side mirror verbiage and serves to deliver the message that drivers need to be alert to motorcycle traffic and that motorcyclists are more susceptible to potential accidents and injuries. It also serves to remind motorcyclists of the dangers of the road and reminds them of their own infallibility and the fact that other vehicles may have difficulty in seeing them due to their smaller size. This poster is best suited for use at retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and other venues that would reach the general populace.

Endangered Species

Poster - Endangered Species This poster/print advertisement depicts a lone rider on a country road and urges readers/drivers to be aware of fellow motorcyclists to keep them safe. The headline, which reads "Help Us Take Motorcyclists off the Endangered Species List", reminds drivers that motorcyclists face many more dangers on the road than automobiles. This poster is best suited for use at retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and other venues that would reach the general populace.


Poster - Spotting a motorcycleThis poster/print advertisement depicts a rider obscured amidst a sea of traffic. The headline, which reads "Spotting a Motorcycle on the Road can be just as hard", plays off the visual in reminding drivers of how difficult it may be to see riders and that they need to be cognizant of motorcyclists. This poster is best suited for use at retail outlets, restaurants, grocery stores and other venues that would reach the general populace.
Other Resources
Motorcycle Safety Foundation
For Car Drivers
American Motorcyclist Association
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