Welcome to the Alaska Invasive Species
 Working Group


The mission of the AISWG is to minimize invasive species impacts in Alaska by facilitating collaboration, cooperation and communication among AISWG members and the people of Alaska.

What is an Invasive Species?

The following definitions are from Executive Order 13112, a Presidential statement of national policy:

"Alien species" means, with respect to a particular ecosystem, any species, including its seeds, eggs, spores, or other biological material capable of propagating that species, that is not native to that ecosystem.

"Invasive species" means an alien species whose introduction does, or is likely, to cause economic or environmental harm to human health.

Why do we need to work together?

Alaska is a BIG place; 365,000,000 acres, with a coastline longer than all the other 49 states combined. Land is managed by the State of Alaska, the U.S. Government, private holdings, and tribal entities.

Alaska is a major location for sea and air shipping, tourism and resource production. Long borders, long coastlines, busy shipping centers, and a large amount of imported goods give invasive species a lot of ways in. To control and prevent invasive species, Alaska needs to make the most of its existing organizations and their available resources.

Get your Free Pocket Weed Guide here!
For more information on invasive plants visit the Alaska Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plant Management website: www.cnipm.org.
Goals for the AISWG
  • Clarify the jurisdictional authorities of signatory parties as they relate to invasive species
  • Share the scientific and technical expertise of the parties related to invasive species
  • Encourage and enable signatory party employees or members to work collaboratively
      to optimize their respective capabilities to minimize invasive species impacts.
  • Collaborate in developing a needs assessment and drafting a statewide strategic plan
      for the management of invasive species.
  • Work to support the formation by the State of Alaska, in collaboration with the other
      signatory parties, a formal structure for continued collaboration, cooperation and
      communication to minimize invasive species impacts in Alaska.
  • Formation of the AISWG

    Invasive species issues are a major concern in the US. Many states have formed councils or
    working groups as a mechanism to coordinate their efforts and to increase the effectiveness
    of their invasive species management programs. These councils operate under a variety of
    structures in terms of organization, funding, and participation. Each state must work to find
    the best solution to its individual species concerns.

    Much work is already being done in Alaska in regard to invasive species, and the state is lucky to be only moderately impacted thus far from the impacts of invasives.  However, if we
    do not act effectively now, we may well be at the beginning of what could become a very expensive and deleterious expansion of effects from invasive species. In recognition of this
    situation, the Alaska Invasive Species Working Group will work to address and prevent
    impacts from invasive species.

    On April 26 and 27, 2006, dozens of individuals from around the state met to kick off Alaska's
    effort to form an Invasive Species Working Group.  Among the attendees were representatives from state, federal, university, citizen, native, conservation, and military organizations.  After much fruitful discussion, a Memorandum of Understanding was drafted for review and approval by agency heads. The draft can be viewed here.

    Summary of the AISWG Meeting
  • Education
  • Research Needs
  • Management Needs
  • Data Management and Clearinghouse
  • Marine Group
  • More Info on the AISWG Subcommittees

    The Cooperative Extension Service has obtained a grant from the U.S. Environmental
    Protection Agency to investigate the options for and assist in setting up an Alaska invasive
    species council.  This money is being used to fund an Invasive Species Program Assistant,
    produce supporting documents, and to hold meetings.

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game maintains and staffs a toll free hotline for invasive
    species reports, 1-877-INVASIV (1-877-468-2748).

    Last Updated 6/13/08   © 2006 UAF-CES
    UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and educational institution
    Logos for agencies concerned with invasive species in Alaska.
    Alaska Department of Fish and Game logo and Home page
    US Fish and Wildlife Service
    Prince William Sound Regional Citizens Advisory Council
    US Army Conservation
    Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
    US Geological Survey
    The Nature Conservancy
    National Park Service
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    Sea Grant
    Natural Resources Conservation Service
    Alaska Department of Natural Resources
    US Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service
    Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
    US Forest Service
    Prince William Soundkeeper
    US Bureau of Land Management
    Alaska Soil and Water Conservation Districts
    Alaska Soil & Water
    Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
    Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council
    US Coast Guard, 17th Coast Guard District
    Alaska Exotic Plant Management Team
    Alaska Intertribal Council
    AK Intertribal Council