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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

January 17, 2007

Pat Wood
(202) 504-3648

Anne Kelly Is Certified in Appreciative Inquiry

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Anne Kelly, CEO of the Federal Consulting Group, U.S. Department of the Treasury, has completed an executive education program in Appreciative Inquiry in Positive Business and Society Change at Case Western Reserve University.

Appreciative Inquiry is an emerging global practice that focuses on collaboration, engaging employees, positive change and focused performance. AI focuses on what works in an organization, rather than trying to fix what doesn’t.

“AI is a very different way of looking at creating and managing change,” Ms. Kelly said. “Organizations transform themselves based on the questions they ask. If they ask about problems, they will find more and more problems. If they ask what works, they can build on these strengths to transform their organization. And the best people to ask are their own employees, who are both empowered and energized.

“AI is a remarkably effective methodology to use in any organizational setting,” Ms. Kelly continued. “It brings excitement and energy to individual, team, organizational, or global renewal and transformation. AI is not about implementing a change, it is about changing—changing the way people communicate and relate with each other. It is a strength-based approach, assuming that every human system already has strengths and positive aspects. “  

The original theory for "Appreciative Inquiry into Organizational Life" was developed by two professors—David Cooperrider and Suresh Srivastva—at Case Western Reserve University in 1987. AI is now practiced in many corporations, nonprofits, and government agencies worldwide.      

Ms. Kelly is also a member of the Board of Examiners for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. The Award is the highest level of national recognition for performance excellence and superior organizational quality that a United States organization can receive. 

She is a frequent speaker at government conferences. In addition to her broad federal network, Ms. Kelly chairs or serves on numerous non-profit boards. These include a federal information technology interagency advisory committee, the board of advisors for the Treasury Franchise Fund, the DC State Board for the Miss America Pageant, ByKidsForKids Inc., and the American Red Cross.

Ms. Kelly holds a B.A. degree from American University and an M.A. degree from George Washington University.


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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

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