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Trade Remedy Investigations
          Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Orders

Below are links to lists of AD and CVD orders currently in place, sorted by country, date of order, general product group, and the case grouping that will tentatively be used for conducting five-year (sunset) reviews.

    AD/CVD Orders in place :

    By Country [PDF]

    By Date of Order [PDF]

    By Product Group [PDF]

    By Five-Year Sunset Review Sequence Group [PDF]

    Information above in spreadsheet format [XL] , including revocations since January 1, 2006



EDIS and Electronic Docket
Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Handbook
Historical Case Statistics
Law: 19 U.S.C. 1671-1677
ITC Rules of Practice and Procedure
Statutory Timetables
Import Administration at Commerce
Customs' Document: Importing into the United States
United States International Trade Commission
500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436
Telephone: 202-205-2000
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