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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

What Our Customers Say

"I greatly appreciate the time and effort you have put into our coaching relationship over the past several months. It truly has helped me mentally visualize what I need to do in some areas.  You helped me examine my leadership and communication style and effectiveness and to explore options to consider which may result in improved time management and personal organizational skills." Food and Drug Administration, Department of Agriculture

"I want you to know how delighted I am with the service you have provided NCI. The survey development process was efficient and effective and the report was completed so quickly. Today's presentation was great. You answered everyone's questions and really gave us a sense that you understood the CIS as an organization. Thanks for all the great work you have done for us." National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

"Thank you for the workshop, I feel very comfortable; thanks for a great training and solid materials; I am eager to start. Examples of questions, discussion points, models, everything. This was my first formal training on mentoring/coaching, so it was extremely helpful." Corporation for National and Community Service

"We could not have done it without all of you too, the knowledge you all have given us has helped accomplish our goals here and will continue to help us in the future. Getting teams together to work on different areas, different things, helped accomplish our ACA accreditation ... the word TEAM is the main source of our accomplishment, all due to the PITT.” Department of Homeland Security

"I wanted to thank you for your help in facilitating the CADDIS retreat…It was great to have your assistance in developing the agenda and your facilitation skills in implementing it. You kept us on time and on target.” Environmental Protection Agency

"Well the dust has settled and I've gotten great feedback on the retreat. Although we haven't answered all of the questions, we've taken a giant step in the forward direction. Thanks for your help in facilitating the meeting and making it a success.” Environmental Protection Agency

"The consensus is that the facilitator has instilled a sense of momentum to the planning process, and that we're finally pulling together. The guidance he provided us was an essential part of letting everyone see where our draft strategic plan left off, and what we needed to do to progress further -- both in our plan development and our long-standing quest to develop workable and supportable measurements.” Department of Homeland Security

“FCG's product transcends traditional deliverables. They not only guided us to short-term results, but also taught us skills to build on those successes indefinitely.” Department of Homeland Security

“You deserve a lot of the credit for getting us to this point, so I want to thank you again for giving us your time and expertise. Add this to your job well done column.” Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation

“Quality service from knowledgeable, creative insiders.” Department of Veterans Affairs

“Knowledge of the federal government and best practices. I am really glad there’s an outfit like this in government.” Department of Education

“We are so glad that the FCG consultants came to our site to help us...we wanted to change, but didn't have the know how to do it. They really helped us." Department of Homeland Security “The guidance the consultant provided us was an essential part of letting everyone see where our draft strategic plan left off, and what we needed to do to progress further.” Department of Housing and Urban Development

“I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful experience you brought us. Your training will be great tool for our facility and will help us to become the number one facility in the government.” Small Business Administration

“Experienced federal executives committed to improving government. Self-mastery, trust, honesty, integrity are the reasons I select the Federal Consulting Group to help us.” Department of Commerce

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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

1951 Constitution Ave, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20245
Phone: (202) 513-7687
Fax: (202) 513-7686