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CitizenFeedback Survey

Link: The Federal Consulting Group - U.S. Department of the Interior - National Business Center

ACSI: Measuring customer satisfaction and benchmarking your agency scores across government and industry

Who We Are and What We Offer

The Federal Consulting Group, a franchise in the U.S. Department of the Treasury, is the gateway to the American Customer Satisfaction Index in the federal government. The ACSI, developed at the University of Michigan in 1994, is the leading national indicator of customer satisfaction with U.S. products and services. It has been a standard metric in government since 1999. We work with our partners, the University of Michigan and CFI Group, to make the ACSI methodology available to measure employee and citizen satisfaction with federal programs. We also work with our partner, ForeSee Results, to bring you the E-Government ACSI.

American Customer Satisfaction Index Methodology

The proprietary ACSI employs a patented, proven methodology to measure customer satisfaction. The cause and effect nature of the methodology is a predictor of future customer behavior. It provides actionable data for you, as a manager or decision-maker, to make informed decisions, leverage scarce resources, and develop solid action plans based on statistically-valid metrics you can trust. Measuring program performance will help you focus management’s attention on outcomes. In addition, you will have important data to help satisfy the reporting requirements of the President’s Management Agenda and the Government Performance and Results Act.

What Is the Impact of Customer Service Measurement?

For well over a decade, the federal government has been focused on improving services to the American public—and it’s working, based on annual ACSI reports from the University of Michigan. Customer satisfaction is definitely getting better. ACSI scores are reported on a scale of 1 – 100, with an overall average in for industry around 74. The aggregate federal government ACSI score now stands at 72.1. In 1994, it was 55!

What Agencies Are Using the ACSI and with What Results?

Customers of agencies providing benefits are the most satisfied – in fact, the National Cemetery Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs is on top with a score of 95. An ACSI score of 95 is extremely high. To put this score in context, it is better than any score ever received by a private sector company!

Satisfaction has also improved at the Veterans Health Administration medical centers. The ACSI score for inpatients is at an all time high of 84 and outpatients at the VA clinics have a score of 83. Buyers of numismatic and commemorative coins rank the U.S. Mint very high with an 86. Recent passport applicants give Consular Affairs in the State Department a 76. The General Services Administration’s Federal Citizen Information Center has an ACSI score of 81. The Department of Labor’s Civil Rights Center also does well with a score of 79.

Low ACSI scores have a positive side. Some agencies may not realize a program is not performing, and they use the ACSI to find the parts of the program that do not meet customer expectations. Low scores reveal what needs to be fixed.

Strategic Benchmarking Capabilities

Benchmarking can be a powerful tool to bring your agency programs in line with or exceed agency or industry-wide ACSI scores in similar areas. ACSI reports will provide your agency the capability to compare your scores against other agencies and businesses with regard to:

  • » Customer expectations
  • » Perceived quality
  • » Customer satisfaction
  • » Customer complaints
  • » Customer loyalty
  • » Customer retention

Easy Implementation

We’re easy to work with. We offer a streamlined process that allows you to obtain our services quickly through an interagency agreement or similar arrangements that meet your agency’s requirements. Further, you don’t have to spend months developing survey questions and getting the approval of the Office of Management and Budget. FCG has already obtained a generic clearance for using ACSI surveys to assess the services of federal agencies. As a result, each new ACSI project receives expedited review and clearance—all taken care of by FCG.

Communities of Practice

The Federal Consulting Group proudly sponsors two active communities of practice that meet quarterly and are free: the Interagency Customer Service Forum and the ACSI Web Survey Users Group. Both have many members from agencies all over government. Potential members and other guests are welcome at either group.

For more information, contact Susan Grow at (202) 504-3646 or

Last Updated: August 29, 2006

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The Federal Consulting Group
U.S. Department of the Interior • National Business Center

1951 Constitution Ave, NW 3rd Floor
Washington, DC 20245
Phone: (202) 513-7687
Fax: (202) 513-7686