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Each term in the TRT is assigned a unique notational code that conveys its location within the hierarchy. The first letter of the notation represents the facet or top term. Using the notational code it is easy to determine the terms relation in the hierarchy. The term's parent (Ae) will have one less letter (from the right end) as the term (Aea). Siblings (Aeg, Aes) will have the same notational code as the term except the last letter will be different. Children (Aeac, Aeah) will have one letter appended to the end of the notational code of the term.

Hierarchical Display

Top Terms> Facilities > Facilities and structures by use > Minor structures

Pf: Facilities and structures by use
Pfy: Minor structures
Click to expand Pfyf: Fences
 Pfyg: Garages
 Pfyj: Gates
Click to expand Pfys: Shelters
 Pfyt: Towers

Find documents having Minor structures

Broader Term:
Pf: Facilities and structures by use
Related Terms:
Pfb: Activity centers
Pfc: Commercial buildings
Pfd: Control centers
Pfe: Correctional facilities
Pff: Dwellings
Pfg: Health care facilities
Pfh: Hotels
Pfk: Industrial buildings
Pfl: Maintenance facilities
Pfm: Military facilities
Pfo: Public buildings
Pfq: Recreational facilities
Pfr: Research and educational facilities
Pfs: Storage facilities
Pft: Temporary structures
Pfw: Waste disposal facilities
Pfx: Weather stations
TRIS is a bibliographic database funded by sponsors of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), primarily the state departments of transportation and selected federal transportation agencies. TRIS Online is hosted by the National Transportation Library under a cooperative agreement between the Bureau of Transportation Statistics and TRB.
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