Inventors > Response

Invention Promoter's Name: Invent Help

Complainant's Name: Peter kim


Mr. John Doll
Commissioner for Patents
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Office of Independent Inventor Program
600 Dulany Street
Madison East, Rm. 10C65
Alexandria, VA 22313

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the American Inventors Protection Act of 1999, we are responding to the complaint of Mr. Peter Kim, dated January 2, 2007, which was attached to your letter dated August 2, 2007.

This complaint is unjustified and lacks any merit, whatsoever. Mr. Kim is no longer a client of ours. In response to Mr. Kim’s irrational demands we suspended our services and returned virtually all of his fees. Mr. Kim demanded that a patent be issued to him in one month, when the patent office generally grants patents within 2-3 years. Mr. Kim also demanded that we complete all of his services within 3 months which is totally unrealistic. We have refused to supply him further services and asked members of his family to intervene to help us try to end our association with him in an honorable manner. They have replied they are unable to influence his behavior.

We are a business that deals with a large number of people and in some cases there are some clients with whom we simply cannot work. Mr. Kim is one of those individuals

It is unfortunate that Mr. Kim continues to behave in this manner, as we believe that InventHelp® is the injured party in this matter, not Mr. Kim.

We have in fact performed many services for Mr. Kim without compensation.


/s/Nora H. Miller
Compliance Director

KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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