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Important Notice - FinCEN Transfers All MSB Information to

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has transferred all resources for money services businesses (MSBs) to the “financial institutions” section of its Web site. MSBs now will find all Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) information related to their industry in one place on This change consolidates information for all industries subject to BSA reporting and recordkeeping requirements to a single Web site, and furthers FinCEN’s efforts to carry out its administration of the BSA in the most efficient and effective manner possible.

As FinCEN first announced in March, users will find all of the same information on the new Web site as was available on Users who attempt to access the former site, will be redirected automatically to the new location: Users are encouraged to offer their views on the new MSB section by clicking "Let us know what you think" under the Quick Links menu. As a reminder, users may stay informed of new postings by visiting and subscribing to FinCEN Updates, an email subscription management service with more than 40,000 subscribers and more than three million emails sent since its launch in December 2006.

Financial institutions that have questions regarding money services businesses’ requirements under the BSA are encouraged to call FinCEN’s Regulatory Toll-Free Helpline, 800-949-2732, Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET.