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Computer Crimes

USPS OIG Investigations

As the Postal Service increases the number of products and services available over the Internet, the agency is exposed to new risks. Intrusions into postal networks by outsiders and improper usage of computers by employees are just two types of computer crimes that the Office of Inspector General faces. Training for and investigating these computer crimes is a top OIG priority to ensure the Postal Service’s networks and databases remain secure. Specialized technical support and computer forensic support for investigations is provided by the Computer Crimes Unit. They also support investigations into incidents affecting the integrity and security of the Postal Service’s Information Technology infrastructure.



Employee Jailed for Child Pornography Surfing on Postal Computer

The U.S. Postal Service Office of Inspector General’s (USPS OIG) Computer Crimes Unit detected a postal employee’s detailed child pornography surfing activity on his Postal Service computer. The Kentucky postal employee was using the workroom floor computer almost 1 hour per day to visit websites containing pornography of pre-teenage girls. On December 6, 2006, in the Western District of Kentucky, the former Postal Service employee was sentenced to a felony violation of Title 18, USC 2252A, Receiving Child Pornography Shipped and Transported in Interstate and Foreign Commerce. He will serve 78 months of federal detention, with 7 years supervised release upon completion of the term.