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Inspection Service and Facilities



One of the reasons for the amended Inspector General Act was to establish an independent OIG to provide oversight of all U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) activities, including any Postal Inspection Service investigations. It is essential we hold the USPIS, as a law enforcement agency, to the highest standards of conduct to maintain the public's trust and the Postal Service's reputation of reliability. In accordance with the Act, the OIG provides objective information and assessments of the activities of the USPIS to keep the governors, Congress, and Postal Service management fully informed of Postal Service law enforcement efforts and to detect and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement.

The Inspection Service and Facilities Directorate determines whether the Postal Service and USPIS have adequate controls and processes to efficiently and effectively safeguard employees, customers, and other critical assets. To that end, they plan and direct audits and reviews of the functions and operations of the USPIS.

Facilities’ mission is to provide quality real estate and facilities products and services to meet the present and future needs of Postal Service operations and to optimize the value of facilities’ assets and transactions. The directorate also seeks to ascertain whether the Postal Service effectively and efficiently provides quality real estate and facilities products and services to meet present and future needs. To that end, the directorate plans and directs audits and reviews covering all aspects of postal facility repair, renovation, and new construction. The OIG’s work in this area will focus on the Postal Service’s challenge to control and reduce costs and identify opportunities to optimize the value of facilities’ assets.