Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


SF-278 Form


The SF 278 Form ise provided in various versions that are suited to individuals with different reporting requirements. Please read the instructions fully before choosing the appropriate form for your own needs.

Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278)

Provided below are two enhanced versions of our electronically fillable SF-278 PDF form. The first version, the Electronically Fillable PDF Version with Automatic Generation of Continuation Pages (nonaccessible), is the version which will be used by the majority of filers. The second version, the 508 Compliant Electronically Fillable PDF Version (accessible) , meets the accessibility requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 (Section 508).

Through our purchase of special licensing and software from Adobe, a filer can now save a completed form and generate unlimited additional pages by using the latest version of the free Adobe Reader, which is available from the Adobe website ( A filer may also use Adobe Acrobat software to save a completed form and generate additional pages. The option to generate additional pages is not available in the 508 Compliant version.

Technical Note: The following versions of the form will work with Adobe Reader 8.0 and 9.0. Although this form can be accessed and filled out through your web browser, the form should be downloaded into a directory on your hard drive and then accessed from there for optimal use. This will mitigate any possible complications resulting from unexpected browser or other computer-related issues. To do this, roll the mouse over the link until the hand appears. Right-click and save to a directory on your hard drive. (Depending on the type of web browser you are using, upon right-clicking your options will be to either “Save Target as...”, “Save Link As...”, or “Saved Linked Content As...”). You may then access the file from that directory. After filling out the form, save it back to your directory and give the file a unique name. For instance, the original filename is “sf278_automated.pdf.” You might save the file back to your directory as “sf278_johnsmith.pdf” or some other unique identifying name. If you have any questions about this procedure please contact Tonda King at or by

Important Note: It could take approximately 20 minutes to download the nonaccessible version of our electronically fillable SF-278 PDF form if the user does not have a high-speed Internet connection. Because this may be impractical for some users, we are providing a link on our website to a Department of Defense website that has an electronically fillable Microsoft Excel software version of the SF-278. This Excel version will take users less time to download but will require users to have Microsoft Excel on their computers to complete and save the form. It will not, however, have all the features of our enhanced nonaccessible version.

As other electronically fillable versions of the SF-278 form become known to us and are posted on the Internet, we will provide links on our website to agency websites that have the form. Users may then choose the electronic version that they find most suitable to them.


  • Printed copies are currently available through the General Services Administration Customer Supply Centers.
  • The InternetForms Viewer is no longer available.
  • Instrs., Privacy Act Statement. There are now three additional routine uses as well as those listed on the SF 278 form (see OGE DAEOgram DO-03-015 (PDF-HTML-TXT) of August 25, 2003 (p.2) for more details on the new uses. In addition, earlier in 2003 OGE also revised the underlying sixth listed routine use, as summarized for the form to read as follows: "to the Department of Justice or in certain legal proceedings when the disclosing agency, an employee of the disclosing agency, or the United States is a party to litigation or has an interest in the litigation and the use of such records is deemed relevant and necessary to the litigation". The Privacy Act Statement on p.11 of the form instructions has not yet been so updated, but OGE will do so in a future edition of the form.
  • Sch. B, Part II. The SF 278 reporting threshold for gifts and travel reimbursements received from one source has been further increased, applicable as of January 1, 2008, to more than $335, with a $134 or less de minimis aggregation exception (see OGE DAEOgram DO-08-010 (PDF-HTML-TXT) of March 25, 2008 for more details on this change. OGE will reflect this change in a future addition of the form.

SF 278 (2000) (Software Revised 11/01/02)

SF 278 - Electronically Fillable PDF Version with Automatic Generation of Continuation Pages (nonaccessible)
OGE is trying to resolve an issue regarding the extensions that allow a filer with Version 8 or 9 of the free Adobe Reader to save the SF 278. Until that issue is resolved, OGE recommends that only filers who have Version 8 or 9 of Adobe Acrobat Professional on their computers use this version of the form. The form can be saved using that software. All other filers should use DoD's Microsoft Excel version of the form until OGE has resolved this issue. The link to the Excel version is provided below.

SF 278 - 508 Compliant Electronically Fillable PDF Version (accessible) - Due to constraints of screen reader software, some automated features, such as automatic generation of continuation pages, are not available in the 508 Compliant version of the form. Instead, we have created five separate files (listed below) that represent the continuation pages for Schedules A, B (Parts I and II), B (Part I), C and D. Filers can save as many copies as necessary of these files.

Section 508 Compliant Continuation Pages for SF 278:

SF 278 (2000) - Printable PDF Version (not fillable)

SF 278 Printable Version (PDF) - This PDF version is for printing out a copy of the SF 278 form only, and contains no programming to allow the user to electronically complete the form. If you only need to print the form, so you can complete it manually, and have the free Adobe Reader, download the non-fillable PDF version.

Department of Defense SF 278

Department of Defense SF 278 - Microsoft Excel Version

This electronically fillable Microsoft Excel software version of the SF-278 (without all the features of the enhanced PDF version) will require much less time to download. Defense's Excel version requires users to have Microsoft Excel on their computers to complete and save the form.