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Financial Management
The NBC and Oracle Federal Financials

The National Business Center offers the Oracle E-Business Suite as a fully integrated, comprehensive set of business applications for Federal government agencies. The Oracle E-Business Suite version 11.5.10, is Oracle's latest version of commercial-off-the-shelf, FSIO certified, financial management system. The NBC recognizes that agencies require financial systems, financial operations, reporting, and compliance practices that are specific to the Federal environment. The NBC delivers Oracle E-Business Suite application solutions, best practices, and processes that are designed specifically to meet the unique challenges of federal agencies. Our approach takes the core Oracle E-Business Suite and provides a pre-configured Federal framework to speed implementation, satisfy business requirements and increase the return on investment.

Agencies determined to better leverage their investment in ERP technology have turned to the NBC to provide industry leading services and solutions for over thirty years. The NBC Oracle implementation model provides a high level of flexibility, but utilizes the NBC's proven methodology to guarantee the implementation of a successful financial management system, on-time and on-budget. The NBC utilizes Oracle's Application Implementation Methodology (AIM) combined with the phased project structure of the Project Management Institute (PMI) to manage the entire ERP implementation life-cycle. Our implementations are led by certified Project Management Professional staff that report directly to a dedicated NBC Project Management Office. This organizational structure ensures that your project is constantly monitored by high-level stakeholders.

The NBC approach is to offer a bundled solution of integrated applications.  These applications offer end to end business transaction processing as well as full financial reporting at the summary and detail levels.  In addition, the NBC has provided a number of enhancements to the core Oracle product in the form of application extensions.  Some of these enhancements include interfaces and integration with eTravel applications, Federal payroll providers, credit card providers and procurement applications.  The NBC provides agencies with proven business process flows and provides full system certification and accreditation.  We provide full services to act in accordance with OMB Circulars A-123, A-130 and our technical configuration is NIST compliant.

The NBC supports the following application business solutions as our core Oracle E-Business Suite Offering:

General Ledger, Federal Administrator, iProcurement, Purchasing, Procurement Contracts, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Fixed Assets.

This combination of Oracle modules provides a seamless automated business process from procurement to payment. The ability to provide the full business process flow in a fully integrated suite of applications eliminates the duplication of information, reduces the need for re-entry of data across applications and reduces the risk of user error.

The NBC provides all clients with multiple reporting solutions. Oracle provides as standard functionality reports needed by Federal agencies including the standard financial reports as required by the CFO Act. In addition, the NBC has developed Oracle Discoverer as a fully Federalized reporting tool. This tool is available to all NBC clients and contains a number of common reports relating to funds availability, appropriation to allotment summary, obligation and invoice summary and detail information, and fixed asset reporting. This tool also allows real-time ad hoc reporting directly from the applications and related database. NBC Clients can use this "rapid report" development tool to provide timely and accurate financial information quickly. By empowering users with a pre-configured but flexible reporting tool, the NBC Oracle solution increases the availability of financial information in support of the agency mission.

Dashboard reporting is provided by Oracle's Daily Business Intelligence reporting application. This is a dashboard style reporting tool that provides high level detail with full application drill down functionality. The advantage of all of the NBC's Oracle reporting tools is the "real-time" integration. The NBC reporting solutions operate from the production database and reflect the data information current to the system.

In addition to the core Oracle E-Business Suite, the NBC offers additional application modules based on the individual client needs. These include Oracle Projects for cost accounting and project centric organizations, Balanced Scorecard for key performance indicators, and advanced integration with CompuSearch Prism providing a solution for complex procurement needs.

The NBC's core competency is its extensive and varied experience in Federal financial management principles and practices. NBC resources have performed many Oracle E-Business Suite implementations for numerous federal agencies, and continue to provide ongoing production support, including operations and maintenance of these systems.

The NBC appreciates the opportunity to provide this information to your organization and looks forward to setting up a time to discuss in detail its unique and successful Oracle solution approach.

For additional information, contact Debbie Pollard at:

U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 05/09/08