Realty & Natural Resources
Alaska Region

Natural Resources

The Ecology group and Water Resources Branch provide scientific leadership and technical assistance to refuge biology and hydrology programs. The Ecology program coordinates refuge biological programs regionally, conducts biological reviews of refuge programs, provides biometric expertise, and conducts botanical surveys on refuges. The Water Resources Branch collects and interpret water quality and quantity data, acquire water rights and provide technical hydrological assistance.

Moose feeding in Innoko NWR, Photo Credit:  Kate Banish/USFWS
Moose feeding in Innoko NWR, Photo Credit: Kate Banish/USFWS

Danielle Jerry , Division Chief
1011 East Tudor Road, MS 221
Anchorage, Alaska 99503
Phone: (907)786-3414
FAX: (907)786-3901

Last updated: October 8, 2008

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