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National Center for Veterans Analysis and Statistics
Special Reports

Special Reports generally contain data, analysis, and narrative on a wide-range of topics.  These include, for example, emerging policy issues, such as the CARES initiative, and specific sub-groups of veterans of special interest, such as former POWs and women veterans.


  Women Veterans: Past, Present and Future, June 2004 and Updated September 2007

This report is an update of one originally written for the National Summit on Women Veterans Issues in 2004.  It contains a brief historical review of women in the military and includes sections on demographic trends in the population of women veterans, their socioeconomic status, and use of VA benefits. On many indicators, women veterans are compared to their male counterparts.

  American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) Veterans: Lasting Contributions, September 2006  

This paper provides historical information on the contributions of AIAN people to the defense of our nation, and data on the socio-demographic characteristics of AIAN veterans and their use of VA benefits.  Included are estimates and projections of the AIAN veteran population by age, sex, period of service, and geographic distribution.  Data come mainly from historical records and texts, the 2000 decennial census, and the 2001 National Survey of Veterans.

  American Prisoners of War (POWS) and Missing in Action (MIAS), April 2006

This report is an annual update (for calendar year 2005) of the number of American POWs and MIAs.  The information comes from multiple sources, including historical records and texts, official Defense Department records, rosters kept by POW and MIA organizations, and demographic estimates.  Data on POWs and MIAs are organized mainly by period of service. 

  American Former Prisoners of War, April 2005

This report contains historical and current information on former prisoners of war and MIAs, focusing on the number of former POWs and MIAs by the war period in which they served.  The report contains information on the number of current former POWs, MIAs, and deaths to POWs based either on estimates using actuarial assumptions, or on actual records kept by VA or the Department of Defense or POW organizations.

  Number of Unique Veterans Served by VA in FY 2003
This paper summarizes the data findings of a pilot project to study the feasibility for determining the number of unique veterans who receive VA services and benefits.  These veterans made demands for Health Care, Compensation & Pension, Insurance, Education, Vocational Rehabilitation, Memorial Affairs, or Loan Guaranty services and benefits for FY 2003.  
Data on the Socioeconomic Status of Veterans and on VA Program Usage, May 2001

This document is a PowerPoint presentation with tables, charts, and bullet statements providing information from: the Census Bureau and other sources on veterans’ income, employment status, health insurance coverage, poverty status, incarceration, homelessness, nursing home residence and mental health; and VA administrative files on selected program usage and trends in healthcare, education, and disability benefits, and home loan guarantees.

VetPop2001Adj and Implications for CARES  The CARES (Capital Asset Realignment for Enhanced Services) initiative was intended to align VA capital assets with where veterans are located.  Since VetPop2001Adj provided estimates and projections of the veteran population by demographic characteristics, including age, sex, period of service, and geographic location, it served as a major data resource for making the decision about how to align capital assets.
Data on Veterans of the Korean War, June 2000  This document was prepared in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War.  It is a compendium of historical facts and data on the demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of Korean War veterans and their use of VA programs. (VetPop2000 data are not used in this document).  
  Data on Asian/Pacific Islander Veterans, March 2000

This document is a compendium of information on the Asian/Pacific Islander veterans, their demographic and socio-economic characteristics, and their use of VA Programs. Data used are from the 1990 Census (2000 Census data on veterans will be available in 2002/03); VA’s Patient Treatment and Outpatient Files; and published DoD reports.

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Reviewed/Updated Date: April 27, 2009