Ethics Guidance

U.S. Office of Government Ethics
1201 New York Avenue, NW.
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

OGE Logo and Address:  U.S. Office of Government Ethics, 1201 New York Ave., NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC  20005-3917

October 5, 2000 DO-00-036

MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials

FROM: F. Gary Davis Acting Director

SUBJECT: Availability of Two Electronically Fillable Versions of the Confidential Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 450)

The Office of Government Ethics (OGE) has made two electronically fillable versions of the OGE Form 450 available on our Web site. With the first version of the form, developed using commercial off the shelf software, the filer can electronically complete, print, and save the data using the filler/reader software we have licensed from the software company, and that we are also providing free on our Web site. Again, please note, there is no software or licensing cost to the users of this program and the OGE Form 450 template.

Additionally, we are providing another electronically fillable version of the OGE Form 450 in the Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). This version has been programmed to enable users to electronically fill out this form and print it using the free Adobe reader software, available through a link from our Web site. However, for those who wish to save their data as well as the form, they must have access to the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Business Tools software, which must be purchased from commercial vendors.

Detailed instructions on how to download and use the forms and associated software is available on our Web site at We will continue to make improvements on these electronic versions of our forms and welcome any comments or suggestions that you think may help us in this effort. You may send your comments via e-mail to We will also be making electronically fillable versions of the Public Financial Disclosure Report (SF 278) available on our Web site within the next few weeks, and will issue another DAEOgram at that time advising you of their availability.