April 15, 1994 DO-94-017 MEMORANDUM TO: Designated Agency Ethics Officials FROM: Stephen D. Potts Director SUBJECT: Public Financial Disclosure: A Reviewer's Reference; additional ordering information, and investment supplement distribution By DAEOgram of February 2, 1994, the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) announced the publication of a manual to assist agencies in reviewing SF 278s and in managing the public financial disclosure system generally. This 300-page guide, entitled Public Financial Disclosure: A Reviewer's Reference, was made available through a GPO rider which closed on March 15, 1994. For agencies which did not place orders through the rider or would like additional copies, it will be available through the Superintendent of Documents. The SupDocs stock number is 052-003-01365-7. An exact price has not yet been determined; it will be somewhat more than the cost under the rider, which we anticipated would not exceed $12. Delivery under the rider, as well as availability from SupDocs, is expected in early May. While the Reference is comprehensive, one chapter has been reserved for future completion, probably in early 1995. That chapter (chapter 8) will contain an individualized treatment of various types of investments, including their characteristics, how they should be disclosed, and conflict analysis. Currently, these matters are discussed more generally in several other chapters. Until chapter 8 of the Reference can be completed and published, The Wall Street Journal's Guide to Money and Investing may be useful as a supplement. This pamphlet discusses distinctive features of common investments and offers basic investment guidance for SF 278 reviewers. For your convenience, we are enclosing one copy. If you are not directly involved in SF 278 reviews, we request that you pass it to the person on your staff who manages the public financial disclosure system for your agency. Agencies may wish to obtain additional copies of this pamphlet or some other suitable investment reference from commercial book stores. If you have any questions, please contact your agency's OGE Desk Officer. (TEBBS Note: The pamphlet material is not available on the bulletin board)