Methods Development and Pilot Studies 

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Last Reviewed:  1/15/2009
Last Updated:  1/15/2009

Methods Development and Pilot Studies 

The National Children’s Study has initiated a number of preliminary research efforts that will help the Study to understand where challenges lie and what obstacles might be encountered. Already producing useful data, these efforts ensure that the Study identifies the best and most cost-efficient methods and practices for meeting complex scientific goals. 

These pilot studies, which will be conducted throughout the life of the Study as new issues and challenges arise, encompass the questions that must be addressed to enable a functional and cost-effective National Children’s Study. As results from the pilot studies become available, they will be incorporated into the research design.

The following reports are unedited work products that do not necessarily represent the views of the National Children’s Study and may not reflect current Study design or content plans.


Estimating Subject Burden for Potential National Children’s Study Measurements

National Children’s Study Focus Groups

Testing Feasibility of 3D Ultrasound Data Acquisition and Reliability of Data Retrieval from Stored 3D Images