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TETLIN: 4th Grade Camp-Out Ends another School Year
Alaska Region, July 1, 2008
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On the last 2 days of school, May 28 & 29, the entire 4th grade class of Tok School, in Tok, Alaska joined Tetlin Refuge staff for an overnight campout at a local state park since most of Tetlin Refuge is too remote for easy access.   Fifteen students, their teacher, student-teacher, and some parents learned how to use binoculars, to identify waterfowl and aquatic "bugs," names and uses of local plant species, how to hold a fire hose, and how to locate a collared moose using telemetry equipment.  A local elder shared stories around the campfire, peregrine kites flew in the spring wind, and a giant Voyageur canoe trip rounded out the 2-day camp. Students learned many of the various careers available in the Service and joined in all activities...with plenty of time left to be kids and explore on their own.   Teachers, kids, staff and parents all declared this campout a great success.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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