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TOGIAK: Kindergarten Field Trip a Big Hit
Alaska Region, July 1, 2008
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A warm spring day and a walk across town resulted in a Togiak National Wildlife Refuge field trip for a Dillingham Kindergarten class.

15 Kindergarten students made the ten minute trek across Dillingham’s downtown section for an afternoon “field trip” to the Togiak office. During the course of a video slide show, students were able to learn about the many types of wildlife found on the Refuge, as well as the different ways biologists monitor and manage the wildlife resources of the Refuge. Skins, skulls, antlers and other items (such as tracking collars and fiberglass fish mounts) were on hand to compliment the presentation, as students were able to see and feel first hand much of what was shown during the show.

After the presentation, students spent time viewing the many artifacts, photos, and mounts found in the Refuge lobby, with staff members available to answer questions. Before heading back to the classroom, each child was able to pose with “the big one” they caught at Togiak NWR. These photos were included in their individual school portfolios, during a year end evening of academic celebration, as a vehicle to talk about their trip to the Refuge with their parents. The smiles across the departing students told the story of a great time that was had learning more about a refuge that’s very close to home.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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