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ANCHORAGE: Improving the Efficiency ofNatural Resource Surveys in Alaska
Alaska Region, March 3, 2008
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Thirty-two biologists and program managers from across Alaska recently refreshed their skills and understanding of statistical survey and monitoring design at the Alaska Bird Conference in Fairbanks, thanks to Fish and Wildlife Service Region 7's Regional Refuge Biometrician, Joel Reynolds.  The filled to capacity one-day workshops ranged from basic statistics and classic survey design to power analysis and a brief introduction to recent monitoring designs.  The course, built around inventory and monitoring examples from Refuges across Region 7, engendered a number of group discussions on defensibly accommodating the logistical hurdles of field work in Alaska, the unreliability of incidental observations for estimating population trends, and appropriateness of particular designs for various participant projects.  Attendees included employees of Fish & Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, Forest Service, Department of Defense, private industry, and non-governmental groups.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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