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AK PENINSULA/ BECHAROF: Kids Count Camp Robbers
Alaska Region, December 15, 2007
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Kids joined in on the fun with local birders on December 15 to conduct the 22nd King Salmon/Naknek Alaska Christmas Bird Count.  Refuge Ranger Orville Lind, just recently back from the Service’s “Connecting People with Nature” workshop, recruited the kids.  Refuge Wildlife Biologist Susan Savage, who organizes this National Audubon event each year, was ecstatic about the youths’ participation.  Despite having temperatures in the teens with winds up to 35 mph, the kids had a great time and learned a lot.   The group recorded 15 species including gray jays (camp robbers) with a total of 871 birds.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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