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AK PENINSULA:Refuge Celebrates International Migratory Bird Day
Alaska Region, May 12, 2007
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King Salmon and Naknek, Alaska residents celebrated International Migratory Bird Day by taking part in an annual bird count. This was the tenth year that counters participated in the North American Migration Count. Becharof and Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuges sponsored and planned the annual event. A group of ten counters, including some new faces, counted birds and number of species at locations ranging from Lake Camp on the Naknek River, to the Kvichak shoreline on Bristol Bay. Led by Wildlife Biologist Susan Savage, participants walked, stood and birded for over nine hours to complete the count. A total of 4,761 birds were counted and 77 species were represented. The number of species identified was the second highest seen in over ten years. The semipalmated sandpiper has the honor of being the "new species" seen this year.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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