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KENAI: Refuge Receives aGrant for Historic Cabin Interpretation
Alaska Region, May 14, 2007
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Future visitors to historic cabins on Kenai National Wildlife Refuge will benefit from a recent Preserve America grant that will pay for interpretive signs to be placed at these sites.
Future visitors to historic cabins on Kenai National Wildlife Refuge will benefit from a recent Preserve America grant that will pay for interpretive signs to be placed at these sites.

Friends of Kenai National Wildlife Refuge was one of three Friends Groups nationwide to recieve a Preserve America grants from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.  These grants help fund interpretive and educational projects focused on historic or culturally significant features.  Matching funds are provided by the Friends Groups or other organizations.  At Kenai, the grant will be used to develop interpretive panels to be installed at restored historic cabin sites.  This will help visitors better understand the rich history of the cabins and the area and help fulfill requirements of the Refuge Cabin Management Plan.  Rydell Refuge in Minnesota and Assabet River Refuge in Massachusetts also benefitted from the Preserve America grants.  The success of all of these efforts is largely due to active Friends Groups -  private non-profit organizations that support national wildlife refuge programs and purposes.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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