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TOGIAK:Winter Lecture Series Draws Full Houses
Alaska Region, April 30, 2007
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Wildlife Biologist Andy Aderman addresses a full house during one of three lectures for the community this past winter.
Wildlife Biologist Andy Aderman addresses a full house during one of three lectures for the community this past winter.

The Togiak Refuge’s winter lecture series completed on April 5 with a discussion about Arctic char and Dolly Varden fisheries resources on the Refuge.  Fisheries Biologist Mark Lisac, who has been studying Dolly Varden for many years, took the crowd on a journey to the Arctic and back with his discussion about the life history and travels of these sought-after fish.  During the discussion he unraveled some of the mysteries associated with these two different species.

Two other lectures rounded out this first lecture series season.  In January, Wildlife Biologist Andy Aderman piqued the interest of a full house with his discussion of moose biology and management in the region.  And in early March, Andy again took the stage to a standing room only crowd when he discussed both the research underway (including walrus studies) and the resources of Cape Peirce and Cape Newenham. 

Plans are underway for next winter’s series.  Judging from the response this year, the public is willing to brave cold dark winter nights to gather in the local museum and learn more about the work of the Refuge and the resources in the area.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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