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AK PENINSULA: Refuge Visitor Center Partners to Prevent Flu
Alaska Region, November 15, 2006
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On November 15th, King Salmon Visitor Center sponsored what has become an annual event for the communities of Naknek and King Salmon, Alaska; a low cost flu shot clinic provided by the Alaska Department of Public Health. An amazing 104 people turned out for their flu shots this year.  The clinic also provided Tetanus boosters.  A $10 donation was requested but was not required. The Visitor Center clinic is offered in addition to flu shots supplied by a local clinic, however this year the local clinic only received a supply of 40 flu shots. Staff at the local clinic said they were very pleased with the turnout because they wouldn't have to turn people away. One local resident stated he gets his shot at the visitor center every year now and appreciates the Visitor Center "providing this service because of its easy access and friendly staff." Folks waiting for their shot enjoyed the displays and watched movies about the local Refuges and surrounding area.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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