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KENAI: Dandelions for Ice Cream - a Fair Trade!
Alaska Region, June 4, 2006
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A group of dandelion pickers turn in their haul at Kenai National Wildlife Refuge's Dandelion Sundae, Sunday June 4.
A group of dandelion pickers turn in their haul at Kenai National Wildlife Refuge's Dandelion Sundae, Sunday June 4.
Kids enjoy their sundaes after filling bags with dandelions on Dandelion Sundae.
Kids enjoy their sundaes after filling bags with dandelions on Dandelion Sundae.
That's what we're looking for! A young particpant collects dandelions for Dandelion Sundae, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.
That's what we're looking for! A young particpant collects dandelions for Dandelion Sundae, Kenai National Wildlife Refuge.

Everyone who brought in a plastic grocery bag full of dandelion flowers and seed heads to the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge headquarters on Sunday June 4 received an ice cream sundae.  Seventy-four participants collected approximately 800 pounds of the invasive plants, and 9 gallons of ice cream were consumed.  The event also included prizes for family totals, most plants with roots, and for collecting at the most sensitive sites (like Refuge trailheads).  Free invasive plant guides were also made available to aid in mapping local locations of invasive plants.  Along with dandelions, Canada thistle, tansy, toadflax, oxeye daisy, narrowleaf hawksbeard, orange hawkweed, hempnettle, and bird vetch are all a concern locally.  Invasive plants are a growning problem throughout the National Wildlife Refuge System and events like "Dandelion Sundae" help recruit new partners in the fight, and educate young and old alike about invasive plants.  Joining the Refuge in hosting the event were the University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service, Kenai Soil and Water Conservation District, Kenai Watershed Forum, and River City Book Store.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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