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KENAI: Visitor Guide Wins National Honors
Alaska Region, April 10, 2006
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The Cover of Kenai Refuge's Award-winning Visitor Guide
The Cover of Kenai Refuge's Award-winning Visitor Guide

The Kenai National Wildlife Refuge "Reflections” Visitor Guide  won a first place award in the Complimentary Publications category of the 2006 Media and Partnership Awards competition sponsored by the Association of Partners for Public Lands (APPL).  Twenty-nine organizations submitted 98 entries for consideration by a 15 judge panel.  Comments on Kenai's publication included, "very nice", "professional", "easy to use", and "outstanding".  The Refuge visitor guide is a product of a partnership between the Refuge and the Alaska Natural History Association (ANHA).  The publication was made possible through a Challenge Cost Share grant by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  Design and technical work was completed by Refuge, ANHA, and Chugach National Forest staff work.  To receive a copy of the 16 page publication, contact the Refuge at (907) 262-7021.   

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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