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ANCHORAGE: “Eat and Don’t Get Eaten!” High School Students Connect Predation and Natural Selection
Alaska Region, March 13, 2006
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The Anchorage East High School biology and marine biology students enjoyed a day with a guest speaker, Rachel McGill, this spring. Rachel is an Environmental Education Volunteer with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Over 100 students got a close-up view of marine mammals’ furs and skulls while learning about wildlife. The students learned the importance of predation: from sea otters as a keystone predator, to tropical piscivorous fish affecting their prey morphology, to the development of defensive poisonous plants. The students’ response was excellent. One student raised her hand and said, “I’m glad you came!” When the students were asked who was interested in becoming a Wildlife Biologist, several hands went up for each class. It was a great success.        

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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