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Grant Money for Wildlife Related Projects!
Alaska Region, February 7, 2005
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National Wildlife Refuge System Chief Todd Logan announced today that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Refuge System will award almost $400,000 in Challenge Cost Share grants this year for wildlife related projects in Alaska. Federal grant funds will be combined with non-federal dollars resulting in over one million dollars worth of projects on 12 of the 16 Alaska national wildlife refuges. Partners in funding for projects include the State of Alaska, local governments, regional native corporations, the University of Alaska, private business enterprises, and non-profit organizations.

This year, 36 grants, ranging from $1,100 to $40,000, will be implemented in 31 communities throughout Alaska, with some projects reaching out to dozens more communities through outreach efforts. Selected projects range in diversity from biological research studies to community outreach efforts. The Fish and Wildlife Service issued grants from as far north as Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge where the funds will protect subsistence lands through a traditional land use mapping initiative, to the southern portion of the Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge where funds will run a live-feed television in Sitka showing a seabird nesting colony on St. Lazaria Island.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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