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IZEMBEK: New Refuge Manager Joins the Team
Alaska Region, February 2, 2005
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Sandra Siekaniec has been selected as Refuge Manager for Izembek NWR replacing Rick Poetter, who transferred to Columbia NWR in Washington in December. Sandra holds a Wildlife degree from Purdue University and has devoted her 18 year career to the National Wildlife Refuge System beginning as an SCA Volunteer and progressing through jobs as a student intern and biological technician. Sandra has held permanent positions on seven different refuges in four regions, including four years as the GS-13 Project Leader at Tewaukin NWR in North Dakota. She currently serves as the Deputy Refuge Manager at Innoko NWR. As the seventh Project Leader for Izembek Refuge, Sandra has the energy and experience to lead Izembek in the tradition of predecessors like Robert Jones, John Sarvis, Fred Zeillemaker, Robin West, Greg Siekaniec, and Rick Poetter. Thomas Siekaniec, Sandra's husband, was selected late last year to fill the Izembek Maintenance Worker vacancy. With the selection of Sandra through the merit promotion process, Thomas has confirmed he will be moving to Izembek. The Siekaniecs will report to Cold Bay the week of March 20.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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