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TETLIN: Cooperative Moose Study Benefits Local Community
Alaska Region, October 28, 2004
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Tetlin Refuge received a challenge cost share grant this year to initiate a cooperative moose project with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Tok Lion's Club, and Alaska Gateway School District. The goals of the project were: 1) To collect information to help manage moose, including wintering and calving areas, calf survival and production and movements between habitats; and 2) To provide information on marked moose to Northway and Tok high school science classes for teachers, refuge staff, biologists and local elders to share with the community.

On October 27 and 28, 2004 Tetlin Refuge and Alaska Department of Fish and Game radio-collared 10 adult cow moose on Tetlin Refuge, five with satellite transmitters. Within two days we were receiving real-time data on the location, ambient temperature, and elevation of the marked animals. Tetlin's Education Coordinator developed a moose curriculum for middle and high school science classes to use this satellite data as well as activities for elementary classes. This project enables local students to interact with Refuge and State biologists and gain hands-on experience in wildlife management. Since the project will last 2 ½ years, many students and classes will participate. In addition, this project promotes communication between local subsistence users and Refuge staff by providing biological information on moose movement and survival data.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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