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AK PENINSULA and BECHAROF: Refuge Week Event a Shot-in-the-Arm for Conservation!
Alaska Region, October 16, 2004
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Alaska Peninsula and Becharof National Wildlife Refuges celebrated Refuge Week with a variety of educational, informational and community events related to these magnificent refuges. A Volcano Film Festival was held at the King Salmon Visitor Center followed by a presentation on volcanoes, emphasizing recent activity by those within the Refuges. This event uniquely blended conservation and public service by also offering free flu shots to residents! On Friday the Refuge headquarters held an open house showcasing Natalie Fobes? photographic exhibit ?Reaching Home; Pacific Salmon, Pacific People.? The week culminated on Saturday at the King Salmon Visitor Center where visitors were treated to a book sale, cake, activities and an opportunity to view the award-winning film ?Winged Migration.? Refuge staff estimate that 50% of all local families participated in these Refuge Week events.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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