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KODIAK: Enhancement of Public Use Permit System
Alaska Region, August 2, 2004
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Stephen Hanson and Sheila Kite of IT Management, Alaska Regional Office, helped Kodiak Refuge install Service-owned computers at Kodiak-based air taxi and outfitting businesses. Purchased with Challenge Cost Share funds, these offsite computers and software allow visitors to obtain permits to use Koniag Native Corp. easement lands within the Refuge seven days a week. Providing offsite access to Refuge permits was challenging as software had to meet stringent government and business security requirements. Also, systems had to be configured for various internet connections including wireless, which is not yet deployed in any Service facilities in Alaska. The new system blends customer and Refuge interests and portends future collaborative websites, e.g. online applications for recreation cabin permits.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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