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Introduction to Using the Canyon-Plume-Box Model (Version 3.6)

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Canyon-Plume-Box Model (CPB-3.6) air pollutant dispersion model is designed to simulate mobile source impacts within urban street canyon or cut-section highway environments. This model can handle a wide variety of canyon/roadway geometries including curved geometries, one-sided "canyons," and semi-permeable canyons.

While the main purpose of the model is the evaluation of impacts from mobile source emissions in confined locations, such as street canyons, minor changes to the input files enable the user to evaluate impacts from accidental, point, or line source gaseous releases.

The model is documented in detail in the report FHWA-RD-02-036 Modifications of Highway Air Pollution Models for Complex Site Geometries, Volume I: Data Analyses and Model Development.

For fast and easy access, the CPB Model was zipped into a compressed zip file. If you need the Windows® version of WinZip®, you may download it from

Click on one of the following links:
Start-Up and User Instructions (zip file)
Read Me Instructions
CPB 3.1 Model Download

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration