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Department of the Interior Ethics Office
Welcome Message from our Director
Welcome to the Department of the Interior's Ethics Office Web Site. Although this web site was created as an online reference and guidance center for our employees, I welcome and encourage members of the general public to browse through the material provided by the web site. Here, you will be able to access information on the ethics laws, executive orders, regulations and policies that govern the conduct and behavior of Department of the Interior employees. As you do this, you will also get a good sense of what we expect from our employees in order to maintain the highest level of impartiality and integrity as our employees carry out their mandated missions.

Traditionally, the main initiative of the Department Ethics Office has been to make ethics a part of every employee's workplace. Accordingly, this web site was developed as an online library for our managers and employees providing them with easy access to guidance and reference information on many subjects within the standards of conduct. The web site also provides online ethics training programs, downloadable forms and technical documents, and links to ethics web sites maintained by other Federal agencies.

After you observe the material offered by this site. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you may have which will improve and increase the benefits of this web site.

bullet Message from Shayla Freeman Simmons Designated Agency Ethics Official and Director, Department Ethics Office
bullet Message from Secretary Gale Norton
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