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Secure Rural School and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000

What's New – Secure Rural Schools, fiscal years 2008-2011

On October 3, 2008, H.R. 1424 became Public Law (P.L.) 110-343. Division C, Section 601 of H.R. 1424 reauthorized the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 by amending the original law (P.L. 106-393) with some significant changes.

The Forest Service previously requested states and counties to elect to receive a share of the 25% payment or a share of the Secure Rural Schools State (formula) payment by November 14, 2008.

To ensure making payments for Fiscal Year 2008 in a timely manner and to ensure there were no errors in elections and allocations made by counties and transmitted by states, the Forest Service is requesting that the states and counties confirm the county elections and the county allocations by 10:00 p.m. mountain standard time (MST) Friday, December 12, 2008. A county may make corrections to its election and, if applicable, its allocation by this deadline.

Learn more about the Forest Service implementation of the new SRS Act>>

Click here to access the new website for RAC activities under the Secure Rural Schools legislation.

Secure Rural Schools, fiscal years 2000-2007

The Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination act of 2000 (SRS) (PL 106-393) was enacted to provide transitional assistance to rural counties affected by the decline in revenue from timber harvests in federal lands. Traditionally, these counties relied on a share of receipts from timber harvests to supplement local funding for school systems and roads. Funding from SRS has been used to support more than 4,400 rural schools and to help maintain county road systems. In addition SRS has authorized the establishment of over 55 Resource Advisory Committees (RAC’s) in 13 States, which has increased the level of interaction between the Forest Service, local governments, and citizens, resulting in broader support and understanding of our mission. RAC’s have implemented over 4500 resource projects on National Forests, Grasslands and adjacent non-federal lands with a value of $185,000,000 from SRS funds and leveraged fund of over $192 million dollars.

On September 30, 2006 the SRS authorization ended. The last payment under this authorization was made in December of 2006. The Administration is committed to providing transitional assistance to counties and States covered under the Secure Rural Schools Act. To provide ongoing support to rural communities that SRS has provided, we are including in our FY 2008 budget proposal, The National Forest Land Adjustment for Rural Communities Act.
P.L. 110-28, the Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act of 2007, was signed into law by President Bush on May 25, 2007. The Act contains a provision that provides for payments under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act of 2000 for FY 2007 and extends provisions of Title II and Title III of the Act for one more year. This means that RACs are now able to meet through September 30, 2007 to recommend new projects.

The emergency supplemental authorizes that payments shall be made from any revenues, fees, penalties, or miscellaneous receipts not to exceed $100 million. In addition, $425 million will be made available until December 31, 2007 to cover any shortfall for payments made under this authorization from any funds not otherwise appropriated. Accordingly, payments to States and BLM counties for FY 2007 may not exceed $525 million.

Link to Sierra Institute for Community and the Environment Study of Titles II and III

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