Migratory Bird Management
Alaska Region



Recognizing the value of migratory birds for scientific, educational and other valid purposes, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regulations provide for controlled take and other use of migratory birds.  Click here for a list of all migratory birds protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.

The regional Migratory Bird Permit Office in Anchorage, Alaska issues migratory bird permits for a variety of purposes, as described in our fact sheet(pdf).  Purposes include

  • scientific collecting
  • rehabilitation of injured birds
  • possession of live, non-releaseable birds and dead specimens for public wildlife conservation
  • falconry
  • taxidermy
  • possession of eagle feathers by members of Federally recognized tribes for religious use
  • take of birds when human safety is a concern   

Applications and annual report forms are available on our national migratory bird permit website.  If you have questions regarding migratory bird permits in the Alaska Region, contact us at:  or call us at 1-907-786-3693. 

State Requirements:  The Migratory Bird Permit office works closely with the State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, which also issues permits for some activities.  Contact their permit office at 1-907-465-4148, or get state applications online.

Bird Banding:  Because banding birds requires capturing the birds and handling them before the banding takes place, the banding of birds in the United States is also controlled under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and requires a federal banding permit. Some states require a state permit as well. Bird banding permits, supplies of bird bands, and bird banding data are administered by the Bird Banding Laboratory.

Last Updated: September 15, 2008