Migratory Bird Management
Alaska Region

Current Topics

Service Announces Management Changes designed to Protect Eagles Upon Delisting
In Alaska, bald eagle populations are healthy at between 50-70,000 birds and it was never listed in as either endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. It has been listed in the lower 48 as endangered since 1973 and reclassified to threatened in 1995. In preparation for removal from Endangered Species Act protection, the Service announced on a series of actions that will assure strong federal protection for the bald eagle. In Alaska, these actions will bring some changes to how bald eagles are managed, as well.

Fish and Wildlife Service Seeks Information on Population Status of Yellow-billed Loon
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has announced that a petition seeking to add the yellow-billed loon to the federal list of endangered and threatened species presents substantial information indicating that Endangered Species Act protection may be warranted. Federal Register publication of this announcement took place on June 6, 2007. Public comments will be accepted for the full 60 days following publication.

The Kittlitz's Murrelet was designated as a candidate species under the Endangered Species Act in April 2004. Its numbers have declined sharply in recent years.

Last Updated: September 15, 2008