Table 21,,,,,, U.S. Freight Shipments by Mode: Preliminary 2002,,,,,, "(Commodity Flow Survey Data Only) ",,,,,, Mode,Value,Tons,Ton-miles,,, Total," 8,483 "," 11,573 "," 3,204 ",,, Truck (for-hire and private)," 6,200 "," 7,622 "," 1,311 ",,, Rail, 320 ," 1,817 "," 1,199 ",,, Water, 91 , 714 , 323 ,,, Air (includes truck and air), 279 , 4 , 6 ,,, Pipelinea, 162 , 722 , S ,,, Intermodal totalb," 1,111 ", 198 , 215 ,,, "Parcel, postal, and courier services"," 1,022 ", 26 , 21 ,,, Truck and rail, 63 , 41 , 47 ,,, Other intermodal combinations, 26 , 131 , 147 ,,, Unknown, 319 , 496 , 77 ,,, a Estimates of pipeline exclude shipments of crude petroleum.,,,,,, "b Includes a combination of parcel, postal, and courier services; truck and rail; and other intermodal combinations, including truck and water and rail and water. Excludes truck and air combination, which is added to air transportation.",,, KEY: S=Estimate does not meet publication standards due to high sampling variability or poor response quality. ,,, "NOTE: The data presented in this table exclude shipments from the following establishments classified in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) as: farms, forestry, logging, fisheries, construction, publishing, and crude petroleum production; households; governments; and most retail and service businesses. It also excludes most imports and commodities shipped from a foreign location to another foreign destination, passing through the United States.",,, "SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics and U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, 2002 Economic Census:Transportation Commodity Flow Survey, Preliminary report, December 2003.",,, ,,,