"Economic Uses Of The National Wildlife Refuge System
Unlikely To Increase Significantly"

Transcription of the 1984 report prepared for the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight And Investigations, House Committee On Energy And Commerce by the Comptroller General.


Approximately 89 million acres of land are part of the National Wildlife Refuge System. This report answers a series of questions from the Chairman concerning the Department of the Interior's plans to expand economic and public use of wildlife refuges. It discusses the Department's proposals to increase the use of these lands--especially proposals to open certain refuge lands to oil and gas leasing--the potential impacts and conflicts from such uses, and certain practices involving access to wildlife refuges.

The administration has also proposed expanding the use of these lands for timber harvesting, cattle grazing, trapping, hunting, and other activities. GAO found that the expansion levels estimated by the Department are unlikely to be fully realized for several reasons relating to demand for these products and activities, other refuge priorities, and the personnel resources available to implement an expansion policy.

The report makes recommendations to the Secretary of the Interior to improve the management of the refuge system, particularly oversight of refuge oil and gas operations.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 2 Interior's Efforts to Expand Refuges' Public and Economic Use
  and Address Problems from Existing Refuge Uses


Chapter 3 Potential Changes in Economic and Public Use
  of National Wildlife Refuges Expected to be Minimal


Chapter 4 Impact of Oil and Gas Development in NWRS Difficult to Measure


Chapter 5 Increased Oil and Gas Leasing would represent most
  Significant Change for NWRS but has been Postponed by Congress


Chapter 6 Access and Fee Policies for the NWRS Vary



Appendix I Letter of July 26, 1983, from the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, House Committee on Energy and Commerce

Appendix II National Wildlife Refuge System's Units interviewed in GAO telephone survey

Appendix III Refuges visited and selection criteria

Appendix IV Discussion of refuges visited

Appendix V GAO survey of the economic uses of wildlife refuges

Appendix VI GAO legal opinion on oil and gas leasing on wildlife refuge lands


API American Petroleum Institute
BLM Bureau of Land Management
DOI Department of the Interior
DSC Denver Service Center
EIS environmental impact statement
FWS Fish and Wildlife Service
GAO General Accounting Office
IBLA Interior Board of Land Appeals
MBO management by objective
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NWR National Wildlife Refuge
NWRS National Wildlife Refuge System
NWRSAA National Wildlife Refuge System Administration Act of 1966
WPA Waterfowl Production Area