2006  | 2005  | 2004  | 2003  | 2002  | 2001  | 2000  | 1999  | 1998  | 1997

Conferences, Meetings and Workshops 1998

Advance Conference Notices for 1999

FOCI International Workshop on Recent Conditions in the Bering Sea

Nov 9-10, 1998
Seattle, Washington, USA:
Sponsored by NOAA Fisheries-Oceanography Coordinated Investigations to exchange information, integrate knowledge, formulate hypotheses, and suggest research needed to address changing conditions in the Bering Sea and their effect on living marine resources


Jan 11-16, 1998
Phoenix, Arizona, USA:
79th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society

AGU Ocean Science Meeting

Feb. 9-11, 1998
San Diego, CA, USA:
Sponsored by the American Geophysical Union and the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography

Buoy Workshop

April 1-2, 1998
San Diego, California, USA:
2nd Bi-Annual Meeting. Sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and the Marine Technology Society

Marine Science in the Arctic

Arctic scientists are encouraged to contribute to an NSF examination of the direction and priorities needed to develop a scientific strategic plan for arctic marine research. Scientists can contribute by filling out a series of questions on the web site: http://www.arcus.org/Marine_Science.

Arctic Climate System Study (ACSYS)

1) The Arctic Buoy Program, 3-4 August 1998
2) Sea Ice Charts of the Arctic, 5-7 August 1998, Battelle Seattle Conference Center, Seattle

Cloud Physics Conference

August 17-21, 1998
Everett, Washington, USA:
Sponsored by the American Meteorological Society

Polar aspects of global change

International symposium and field trip to Svalbard.
Tromso, Norway, 24-28 August 1998.

Sponsored by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).


Sept 28 - Oct 1
Nice, France:
32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Ocean Engineering Society

PICES Seventh Annual Meeting

October 14-25, 1998
Fairbanks, Alaska
Abstracts due July 1.

The 49th Arctic Division Science Conference

October 25-28, 1998
Fairbanks, Alaska
Theme: International Cooperation in Arctic Research - Detecting Global Change and its Impacts in the Western Arctic. This conference will also serve as the inauguration of the International Arctic Research Center (IARC) and as a Wadati Conference on Global Change.

Other Conference Listings 1990-1998:

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[Last updated: 2007-07-03]