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Employee and Public Services

The National Business Center (NBC) provides comprehensive program services in seven functional areas, including drug and alcohol testing; ethics; Health Unit Operations; security clearance management; and occupational safety/tort claims. Our trained and experienced professionals are specialists able to complement your existing staff or provide the full range of services in a functional area. The principal benefits to you are fast reliable service by another government agency that knows the regulations, and how to focus and tailor services to your needs.

Drug & Alcohol Testing

  • Collection, Laboratory Analysis and Medical Review Officer Contract Services
    Contact: Richard Hipkins, Dave Mathews, or Alice Currie
    Phone: 202-208-5638
    E-mail: richard_e_hipkins@nbc.gov

Health Unit Operations

  • Medical Surveillance reviews, Pre-employment reviews
    Contact: Barbara S. Hayden
    Phone: 202-208-7057
    Email: Barbara_S_Hayden@nbc.gov

Security Clearance Management

  • Review and Adjudication of Personnel Security Investigation Grant and Maintain National Security Clearances
    Contact: Robin Jones
    Phone: 202-208-3487
    E-mail: Robin_E_Jones@nbc.gov


U.S. Department of the Interior
National Business Center
Last Updated on 05/09/07